
Barry Bonds no more hit 762 home runs than I, using a car, broke the world’s record running a quarter mile. Barry Bonds with chemical enhancements hit several hundred home runs and unenhanced Bonds hit an unknown number. The acts done with artificial enhancement have to be separated from those done without

That there is cheating is an indictment of the cheaters and those who accept cheating. Good lord people, do you not get that standards only exist as long as you demand them to exist? If you accept cheating then cheating becomes the standard. The reason cheating is becoming common is you allow it. Demand cheating stop,

No, neither are real. If you cheat then the record is not real. That is why things done through cheating are expunged. Besides, can’t you see the difference between cheat created actions and true accomplishments? If you use cheat codes in video games do you not get they call them CHEAT codes for a reason to

Do you really think playing the race card is always some way to feel superior?

That many people don’t care about PED use in sports is an indictment of the people , not the sports writers . What purpose is sports if it becomes all fake? None.

Tell that to Obama, not me. I am not the one using drone strikes and bombers. Tell that to Puten. Tell that to Hollande. Tell that to Merkle. Tell that to Osborne. If killing Moslems won’t work, then all the world’s major leaders need your solution. Now I'm not saying they couldn't all be wrong, but all are warring on

That is your discussion? That is thought at all. You tell me your idea of war. You tell me where dropping millions of tons of ordinance over the last 15 years disagrees with what I said. I’m waiting for your actual counter argument.

Really? Do you think war is about what makes someone feel good or that one side gets to decide who is included when the other side attacks? I wasn’t at war with any Muslems at 5am on 9/11. Then, I was at war with Muslems. Did the Muslems who killed all the families and family members in New York, Washington and on the

Trump is leading because he tells the truth. His problem is he assumes people are smart enough to follow without being given every step one at a time.

Because people and the questioner were trying to act like Trump didn’t know what the Triad was when as you mention, the question named the triad. See this article for how snarky the issue was meant to be?Trump answered in a nuanced way as he went to the 21st century nuke issue which is terrorism. And terrorists are

NObody in Trump’s age group doesn’t know the triad.

Trump just didn’t justify a snarky question with an answer.

Also, there is no evidence Trump doesn’t know what the triad is as all of us in his age group grew up doing drills crouching under desks and had lots of teaching on that triad. Like being under a desk would stop an H-bomb.

This is ridiculous.


Oh the disposable world.

Soccer is horribly boring as a game on the field. The entire existence of soccer is about hatred and aggression by factions , not fans of the play on the pitch. Most soccer is based on international matches because that is where hatreds are greatest. Anyone from the EU who thinks they are eliminating nationalism need

All states and large cities have their own standards and water departments. The federal govt getting involved is a recent issue. But, neither local nor federal govt are serious about clean water. That is the problem. Cleaning water is not about a scam like the co2 warming scam. Building water treatment plants is an

Industrial waste is not city human waste and uses separate systems that are approved by local boards and mayors/councils. The industrial systems may connect in some cases to city systems but their waste is under city contract. If industry is doing anything wrong with their waste , it because of the corruption in the
