
The issue is culture. The world today is fighting over cultural differences and the mistaken use of "race" when the differences are culture. Realize, religion is mainly a way to codify culture and a priesthood is a cultural police. Io9 is really identifying the challenge of the 21st century- to stop seeing

Do the researchers have any actual..evidence..or is this just conjecture. As long as we are making things up, I say Stonehenge has government project all over it. I see cost overruns and kickbacks for the 'Alter to Nowhere'.

You know we all know when we will die-sometime in the next 100 years; so, the apocalypse is coming -one person at a time. This movie seems an OK way to spend some of my time before the world least for me..

Throughout medical research the trend of increased placebo reported effect is being found- not just schizophrenia . Even studies on something as straightforward as pain medicines are having this problem.One theory for why placebo effects are reported higher than in the past is that most people are now paid to be

When they do one of Muhammad, then call us. Insulting Christians takes no courage since Christians do not cut your head off or put out death edicts on people the way Moslems do.

If I misquoted 'Idiocracy', I can only claim a loose cable attached the movie to my TV and led to 3 years of error while watching the movie. I did look up that 2 of the team leaders resigned after a team vote of 'no-confidence' because the team's research actions were deemed unacceptable to the team that published the

OK, I see we are using "Idiocracy" as our standard here- 'Electrolytes-its what plants want!'.

Wow, do you have low standards! Yes science contains being wrong but GOOD science does not contain being stupid. It is simply stupid science to do what these CERN scientists did. These guys said all along they did not believe their result but published anyway. The only reason a major journal took the article is it

What does this type error say about CERN's says CERN sucks. The original study said CERN spent 2 years looking at the results and announced after not finding their error. Now, to blame a loose cable..really? These are the people who are looking for the Higgs? Why should we believe CERN on the Higgs

Anyone who thinks a good comes out of an Eco-lie must believe New York will be better because it bans the Big Gulp. Totalitarians just love power and strawmen never lead anyone to a better place. So, no, we will not be made better if climate change/ warming is all a big hoax that has lead to deaths and economic harm

That is because that is where most people want to be. Most people do not want to live in a concrete box 50 feet in the air-which is an urban apartment. People want to have space to walk on dirt and grass, and a place to sit in quiet and solitude. Downtown life is ok for most until they get to be near thirty, then

No amount of goverment coercion can successfully overcome the evolutionary forces that create change. Goverments that have tried [Soviets and other Socialists are the easiest example]have only managed to generate stagnation and excellerated decline. The irony is that only change allows cities to thrive. The city has

Occam's razor actually says the opposite. Since life and sentience arose on earth and there are billions of earth like planets, then life and sentience exists on the other planets. Otherwise, one must make assumptions for why earth is unique. The problem in this discussion is it equates sentient life's existence with

'Melodramatic cliche' is too kind a description of this sample.

Manufacturing consent looks very interesting. But, if you are concerned with too much power centered by a unified, one party dominated media, then you should support Fox as the only major 'other voice'. Even these Gawker/io9 sites are openly Democratic party and try to take out Fox News. To me, I find it creepy that

If not for Fox and talking points, the only media would be Democratic party press releases. Newsweek owns multiple internet sites such as Slate, Roots and others. Newsweek is owned by the wife of a Dem Congressman. Hollywood is politically Democrat party. Time/Sports Illustrated and the New York Times are Dem. If not

Cd/DVD storage is needed to hold data securely for transfer as new devices often do not allow transfer of info unit to unit and you might change between incompatible systems. Putting your info in a cloud is ok - if you allow that the cloud service may stop working or all your data is essentially open for inspection.

I read the story all over-and even my local TV news had it on. All laughed at it -including Fox. Come on io9, less bias.

This story was all over-and it was a joke. Fox is by far the best news and the only news that tries to be balanced. The Gawker/io9 sites are an example in that they have no balance- they actively target Fox . Without Fox ,only pro-Democrat sites would be left and would we want all the news media to belong to one

Are you thinking of "Snowcrash" by Stephenson?