
Before you go all 'noble savage' , take one weekend and go out in your backyard and try to live there with no shelter. To be kind, you get to drink from the hose . I would invite you to go out in the woods, but most of you would die if the night got cold or it rained.

In the real world, doctors are exposed ,get sick and sometimes die. Going to pediatric clinic is going into a hot zone. Masks, gloves, handwashing and those cute little gowns and suits help-they serve as talismans to make you feel better,also. As a medical student did you not realize that doctors along with police,

The emotional states did not just happen-they evolved and are fairly planet wide. An octopus , an elephant, a shark and a human all share most of the emotional states you talk of wanting to purge. So, whatever that would be left without those emotions would be truly alien- as in, not of this Earth. Interestingly, Star

Humanity did fight the first eugenics war-WW2. Germany based its claim to be a master race on its superior genetics and its grasp of eugenics to create and sustain its Aryan superiority. Japan also claimed an innate genetic superiority. Both Japan and Germany considered the USA a 'mongrel' race that would not be able

The unisex jumpsuit will be next. You know you live in a totalitarian sociaety when you are required to deny reality..and it is biological reality that almost everyone has an internal gender identity. For the vast majority, the brain and the genitals agree, for a small percent they do not, but almost nobody is

I didn't ask anyone to debate or believe-I just asked you to read. Try reading " In the Garden of Beasts". This is not ancient history, it is the main issue in Europe today. How could hate and envy overwhelm a whole nation? Try the book-it is not a Left or Right book-it is a fascinating book .

Let's be honest about dishonesty, If you are sophisticated enough to be online, you know you are stealing when you download something and DID NOT PAY FOR IT. That is theft. The idea that you want it is not relevent. Sadly, many under 30 think wanting something is a justification and that others should give it to them

Your point is taken and acknowledged. The quirks of totalitarian regimes are quite amazing. I recently read a book where an italian journalist interviewed some of the worst dictatators of the 20th century and to a person, they defended their actions and cited some fine program they initiated. My issue is it rather

Wow, I just ask you to read the history of Germany-1920's. It is very interesting and relevent. I read history. Sadly, there is nothing absurd in my comparison. Read the history-if nothing else just read the Wikipedia summary. Then see if the language is not very similar. You seem a thoughtful person, but I would

I'm just going to assume you are drunk and that you are not seriously defending Hitler because he loved dogs. Yes, Hitler and the Nazi's were big on paganism including classic animal images. But Hitler practiced scorched -earth warfare across Russia. For 3000 years Europeans have burned, pillaged , and brought war to

If we are balanced between the oppression of lawyers and the oppression of an all-knowing govt..well, that is just depressing.

It is just depressing how many of these posts are willing to give up freedom. What do you say to people so lazy they are ok with totalitarianism in exchange for not having to drive their own car? I have to think these are people who have grown up with so much freedom they do not value it. Since these people evidently

Please, it is govt overall that grows and gains power and it is the Dems that even say they can make you buy what they say you should buy. Our hope is that Scalia and Roberts overturn the Libs on the SCOTUS and hold govt has limited and not unlimited power. Also, it is mainly the Dems that have been trying to take

Well, if your point is to say all competition for resources[ be it money in humans or mates in bull elk] is sad, then I would have to agree. Much of religion and morality has to do with how a sentient human must come to grips with the necessity of competition in its ultimate sense of life and death. But, the

Amazing how Europeans forget the massive environmental cost of WW1, WW2, the Soviet Union and its slave states, and now the environmental cost of the PIIGS states financial meltdown. Of all areas that need to be circumspect, not holier-than-thou it should be Europe. The USA has nothing to be ashamed of. Europeans tend

I've wondered if 'Day after Tomorrow' was really making fun of the warming/eco message. The idea that warming would cause vast cold[surely a joke on the warming/climate change idea that everything counts as warming, even cold],plus the astronauts at the end commenting on how clear and beautiful the world was

So you are not in a union- they are some of the largest corporate owners, and you do not have a retirement account? 401k's are the other biggest corporate owners.To say money is not everything is true, but it is popular culture that has established that credo, not corporations in general. The rise of money worship is

one more time- Corporations were an invention of govt to redisrtibute wealth from hereditary family companies[a company is held by a person; a corporation by a chartered entity held in common by stock owners] that were felt to be monopolistic. Big Corporations are owned by large groups of HUMANS. Do you have a 401k

This was linked from io9. I cannot figure out if the whole Jezebel site is supposed to be a satire about feminism? Since I am not a utero-American as Wolowitz would say, perhaps I should just quietly go back to my nerd lair.

One of the most interesting revelations of all the truth-finding technologies, whether pentothal or physiologic 'lie-detectors' is that truth is a slippery concept. As George Costanza said in Seinfeld-"it's not a lie if you believe it". The correlary is, believing creates perceived truth- thus, the disastrous