Nature lets non-subscribers read articles each month but it costs a lot more to get to search! but, here is a BBC article about the lack of warming from the main player in warming. []://
Nature lets non-subscribers read articles each month but it costs a lot more to get to search! but, here is a BBC article about the lack of warming from the main player in warming. []://
Just as the author got the research on Dinos backwards, it seems many have corporations backwards. The concept of corporations was created to redistribute weaith [before corporations, the model was family companies which held monopolies]. A big corporation is owned by millions of people. If you have a retirement…
The author completely misunderstood the research . The research does not say that dinosaurs became too large because of laying eggs. The research hypothesis is that a large animal that reproduces via eggs has the disadvantage that the animal's young is comparatively much smaller when it hatches from an egg versus tha…
The Spiegel is-[]
Artiofab, when you show up 2 years late and ask for references on topics highly discussed and available by 3 seconds of Google work , you lose credibility. If you want to catch up, there are excellent review articles in Der Spiegle in English at Spiegle International or The Guardian of London. Both are mostly Liberal…
Did you read the e-mails? They talked openly of using peer review to keep research out of the journals if that research did not support warming. Your point that the 'reviews' didn't cite fraud is ironic as that is exactly the point of discussion. The reviewers acknowledged the bias ,then said that the bias was ok.…
It is very politically incorrect to point this out , but the history of WW1 and WW2 show oil has no long term and little short term effect on the coastal regions. No one cleaned Guadalcanal, Truk Lagoon, the English channel , or the North Sea where thousands of ships including hundreds of tankers were blown apart. The…
Far too much of science publication is political today. The story of the 'climategate e-mails' shows a very serious science fraud, but because of politics, the fraudulent pro-warming research and biased peer review has been defended by many in the media and the warming research groups with financial incentive to keep…
Even io9 reported one of the worst frauds was a Scandinavian evolutionary biologist with NO connection to pharmaceutical companies. Science fraud is rampant but the companies that create your medicine are not some evil group and are highly watched by trial lawyers , the public, and practicing doctors.
We live in an era where the internet puts the world's information instantly in hand, when surgery is done with anesthesia, when medicine actually is more than alcohol, when there is so much food available that being fat is a problem across the world, and nearly universal slavery is no longer the norm. Read history!…
Early spring has variable weather and now that the internet allows massive data collection, we measure the variability. Massive new data collection can make the common seem extreme. If you've tried those watches that take your blood pressure all day, you could scare yourself into the ER,also. Keep some common sense…
This a very poorly written story full of the writer's bias. The writer actually has no idea how much ocean research Peru does but just makes vague assertions . A good story would have presented the facts and checked on what level of govt research Peru actually does.Come on io9, you can do better .
These are the baby Boomers that have been smoking since the 60's and continue. But, the toxic effects of marijuana are there for them,too. Use of marijuana causes emphasema, significant weight gain, reduced memory, spatial relation problems[which lead to falls in older people] and risk of ongoing psychosis. There is…
I wonder how these trees will deal with the wind that sweeps up a high rise building? Also,I would think the trees used would need to be different at different levels of the building due to the very microclimates sited by the architect. The aesthetics of this idea are exemplary, but time will show how the tree…
The theme of "Ice/Fire" is that the governing elite cannot rise above their power games ,even with a totally real and consuming threat like Winter about to kill everyone if all do not prepare. There is no difference in the theme by gender, and so the books are just an interesting but redundant exploration of the…
Climate Change- just like string theory it is a 'not even wrong' concept that includes whatever and was created when Global Warming theory turned out to not follow predictions in the real world. And just like string theory, there are now chairs of Climate Change invested in grant-getting and tenure-geting orthodoxy.…
Once again, there is no solution but to nuke Australia from space-it is the only way to be sure.
No, not really. Even the UN estimates ocean rise AT 3MM/YEAR- so, it would be 1inch for every 90 years or one foot/1000 years . Of course by then we could be in another Ice Age, so. I would not get worried.