
I saw John Carter and thought it was ok-albeit with awful 3-D. But, then, I watched a Harry Potter movie on TV over the weekend and remembered what the standard is for creating a series of $200million budget movies. Watch LOTR, Potter, the original Star Wars trio and those are what you should get for that type budget.

What "they" are saying? Is that like "you people'? How bigoted! See, here you are using bigotry against people you don't like as a way to argue against bigotry. Bigotry is a slippery slope. You always have to be careful about any generalization. Myself, I envy the Black just throw bigotry at everyone

'Nature'- no warming in 15 years, no ocean warming in 5 years. The UN says ocean rise is 3 millimeters per year. To flood the land as in this silly map, rise would have to be exponentially greater than even the UN predicts.And- io9 is headquartered on an island- please walk to the docks and you will see they use the

More evidence the whole Climate Change/ global warming scam is just a strawman for social engineering. According to Nature- no warming in 15 years. But hey, what could go wrong with wanting to create a Master Race?

First, [] is the source that Germany has fewer sunny days than Anchorage, and sunny days are not about latitude but about weather. Next, yes, Obama has denied the pipeline,and,that matters because world oil price is an average. You do not pay the average, you pay for gas based on what your local refinery

The scary part is these are real engineers from a major university who are talking such nonsense. But we are in the era of Official Nonsense paid for with real money -from Germany spending huge amounts to put solar panels on roofs that get less sunshine annually than Anchorage to Obama rejecting the oil shale pipeline

Not being stupid means being thoughtful and not just following trends, fads and popular fashions. It means questioning and researching and being careful to have consistant principles-not knee jerk reactions.I don't know how many on here would really like that.

So, you are not troubled at all by the idea of a pill that changes who you are? You might think the change is for the better, but doesn't the principle of thought control bother you?

Perhaps the asteroid angered the hoards of Australian spiders who covered everything with web...the megafauna would pray for mega-Tunguska.

The actual issue is a govt unfunded mandate [or a govt-insurance industry joint tax, depending how you see Obamacare] in which 'someone else' pays for something. You may like the idea that 'someone else' pays for contraception. The principle is the issue. First, do you want govt to have the power to order one group to

All you have to do is look to all the under 30's who see nihism as a norm with government as the answer. The under 30's are Little Brother to the govts Big Brother. We are already getting the child indoctrination as government serves to raise more of the population. There is a political firestorm over the government's

Realize this is not some unknown director with a few dollars trying to create a show, this was Spielberg and a whole lot of money. Spielberg does not 'grow a beard', he jumps the shark in one season. Sadly, Spielberg has simply forgotten how to tell a story. When he made Jaws, he was the young director making a

The American film industry in WW2 was not equivalent to Japanese films. American films ,if anything, understated Japanese atrocities and fanatacism. Sadly, there is an academic movement in the USA to re-interpret Japan in WW2 as a victim. No such revisionist foolishness is present in the real victim nations of Asia.

Communism is just the Big Brother of socialism and socialism's full expression. The world economic problems are the direct result of spending money people do not have. Socialism is the system that tells people govt should and can 'provide' without regard that a govt decree actually does not create magically the end

How about restoring the rivers on Manhattan Island? Really, how arrogant can io9 and its New Yorker staff be? The Great Plains comprise 1/4 of the USA and are not barbarous 'fly-over land' but the core of the USA- including where most of the energy and food come from, and many of the readers live. I know this is just

What do you think the world would be like without capitalism? That is what Occupy wants-an end to capitalism and a re-try for socialism. As to Occupy hating banks-even socialists have banks. Occupy is just silliness-a complaint with no viable alternative. Go visit the former Soviet bloc . They think Occupy is madness

Everyone on io9 and working for io9 is rich by global standards. Rich is a relative and not absolute-usually defined as: they have more than I do. This is just more junk psychology 'research' like that of the scandinavian who made up his papers. Stop feeling holier than though while you while away time using a several

When the Occupy movement wants to re-try socialism, just check this out to see what they want for everyone. Give me messy capitalism with its noisy winners and losers over Occupy/socialist all-loser society. Down with 'compulsory donation'- now that is a good slogan.

No, Climate Change is not a science term-it is a political term. There is no stable,baseline climate for Earth. So, to claim climate change is to claim nothing. Global Warming was a real theory- which data has proved wrong.

Just so true. So stupid she was inside a tree using meth and then so stupid she took pictures and showed them to others. And, her acquaintance turned her in..possibly for the reward. God really has to be tolerant to not just give up on people.