
Another example of statistics gone wild- if you had multiple surgeries before you were two then you were born with significant genetic issues. That the children got anesthesia with those surgeries is like saying that wearing lifejackets after a ship sinks is an associated cause of drowning.

In the early 1980's ,there was an oil crisis with mile long lines to get gas. Civilization did not end and no one rioted. People just lined up and waited. Why do people under 30 see apocolypse in the most mundane problems? In the 20th century there were 2 world wars, a pandemic, a huge drought turning the central USA

While the marijuana plant has some promising components, ingesting the full spectrum of components of marijuana is not benign- and absolutely not useful for cancer analgesia. Cannabanoids are the model for generating the metabolic syndrome- weight gain, lipid increase, and other problems. For those with genetic

The key info is that the Met and the University of East Anglia report no statistical warming in 15 years. Last month, Nature had a paper that there has been no ocean warming for at least 5 years. Whatever you think, that is the data. That is not consistant with the predictions of the CO2 models for warming as CO2

So a presidential candidate wants to increase the space science budget and move on to a first moon base-and you are so indoctrinated by the Dems you do not support that? Wow, that is just sad that io9'ers aren't celebrating a return to space after the current Dem administration abandoned space exploration. Newt is a

While the Alien creature is a formidible opponent for a few space freightor crew, 8 marines with small arms or as a ritual opponent for the Predator race, in no way are they of use against an actual advanced military. The idea of an advanced spacefaring culture using the aliens as a weapon would only be plausible as a

These same snowy owls have also come further south into western Montana where they are around two commercial jet airports. No one in Montana has shot the owls or brought up airport safety-and there are dozens in Montana ,not just one.

Next time you want bigger govt-remember the snowy owl.

This seems to be another ADHD movie for those who cannot focus beyond 20 seconds or remember past 5 minutes- so, the 'movie' is just scenes. "Big Trouble' was a full movie- with a plot and development of the story.

It is sad to see how indoctrinated so many on this io9 are. So, you see the USA and Western society as a bad thing? You see calling Al Quida evil is wrong?So many poor little rich whites-all full of rightous self loathing. Grow up. If not for the USA there would be no freedom on Earth-the Soviet Union and its

These are books written for 9 to 14 years old girls and women who share those dynamics. They are romantic fantasy but the fantasy part is not meant to be metaphor or allegory for reflecting political or social commentary. The exotic aspects are meant to reinforce the specialness of the girl protagonist. Romantic lit

Actually, that is true of all diagnosis. All illness rests on a statistical sliding scale. Psychiatry is actually in the forefront of honesty in that it openly discusses the diagnostic uncertainty. When you talk about'tests' for diagnosis, realize that the difference in what is considered 'normal' versus 'abnormal'

Come on io9- followup story: How do they know these rocks came from Mars and how did they get from inside the Mars gravity well all the way to Earth?

The '98 faux-Zilla missed the entire concept of Godzilla- Godzilla is huge with huge feet that stomp things and he does not hide. How could anyone fail to get that? That hollywood can fail at the most obvious concepts is inexplicable.

Palin never said anything like that-Sat Night Live put it into a skit. Don't insult people for things they never said.

if this 'Ultimately Stupid Global Warming Might Happen' headline does not end people's belief in the whole climate/warming hoax, then ,perhaps we need some intelligent lizards to replace the far too easily fooled humans.

It is actually impossible for life to exist and Not change its environment. Try thinking two steps ahead and not being so self-rightous in your nihilism. The warming scam/ climate change scam is undefinable because the climate continuously changes and has continually changed. It is best not to poison ourselves but

I know io9 was bought by a very left wing corporation, but calling the movie goers 'the masses'...? Really?

Once we get Western govts out of the way, private corporations can move space explorations far beyond the beurocratic stasis of NASA. Look at the ridiculous , wasted, last shuttle missions. I predict corporations will first create actual lower orbit spaceships that permanently remain in orbit to service satellites.