
So the monster was probably a wolf pack? That certainly makes a new perspective on the introduction on large Canadian wolves into the USA. Eco-heads have told us that fearing wolves was stupid. Looks like this is another place where historic experience trumps political correctness.

Blunt weapons or swords are mostly useless unless one trains for years to use them. World War Z is ridiculous because it denigrates firearms and tries to say swords and blunt weapons can be used more effectively by regular people. Take a hammer and try to smash a coconut- it is very difficult and the coconut is not

30 years is not a long time. The functional history of the Internet for common use is barely 20 years. Cell phones are about the same age. Have some realistic time perspective.

Can you not see that this was never meant to be a real show? This was made as a sarcastic parody of all the cop procedurals on TV. Whoever paid for this pilot [Sony?] was probably totally pissed off that instead of a new show pilot, they got a useless joke. If you've ever seen even a little of the CSI type shows,

If you read the history of the age of European exploration, ships full of explorers would arrive off an unknown coast and often come to battle with the native people for little to no reason. Sometimes the explorers stayed an hour and sometimes they stayed forever. To a native, the motivation of the explorers would

The greatest myth of the WW2 era is that most of Europe opposed Naziism. Most of Europe agreed with Hitler and most European countries were either actively fighting for Hitler or colaborating with him. If you doubt this, just wiki Europe's countries with the question -'who did they support in WW2?' Even today, many

Occupy Wallstreet, PETA, assorted eco-groups ,and now anti-nano tech. Nobody should get to use violence to promote their cause. Sadly, io9 does not take a stand against all terroristic violence, just the violence against those io9 likes.

Was Stapel or his colleagues prominent in this research that codifies the 'politically correct' result? Really, io9, after Stapel's similar type 'research', can you at least not be so smug when presenting these culture vs biology political stories?As the article says, this is research that 'strongly suggests'-which

Discovery's show on 'disasters' is in opposition to UN IPCC studies that show there are not more weather disasters but just more media to report them. When everybody worldwide can watch video of every disaster , there just appears to be more when there are not. I wonder if the constant seeing of a disaster somewhere

Realize that among io9's sister channels is a hard-core porn channel. Thus, the porn storiess.

The best rules of Magic are those of modern Physics -quantum entanglement, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, wave/particle duality. Modern Physics has the best magic.

Actually, the Mayans are not gone or missing at all. The Guatamalan people who will tell anyone who asks that they are MAYAN, get quite upset with articles like this that imply the Mayans disappeared. Again, this is another climatescam article where the 'science'. is based on the words 'maybe' and 'possible'. But this

Stapel, the bogus 'evolutionary psychologist' would be the perfect moderator for that 7th episode- he has championed his field the same way Warmingscam [ excuse me, climatechangescam] 'scientists' have championed their scam- make it up .

Oh yeah, io9 loves all those cell phone makers that give you yet more high tech ways to play Angry Birds at work, but we all know those pharmaceutical companies that in the last 20 years turned AIDS into a manageable illness instead of horrrible death-of course they are just E-VIL incarnate.

Star Trek was not about Earth influencing other less advanced cultures. Star Trek had a Prime Directive that made intererence the number one crime. Most of the shows were metaphors for the social issues being worked through at the time-and continue today. People then were not as cynical as most on this site seem to be

After Stapel came out as pure fraud , can't we just stop retelling these fables? How about moving all their grant money to the engineering dept?

Like it or not, there is no functional state of 'try'- things are done or not done. That is a reality that seems to bother some.

The Iraq war liberated 15 million people from a dictator and saved the Kurdish people from gencide. Talk to a person of Kurdish background about life under Sadam.

There already is s 'sustainabilty' science-it is called agriculture. What these Los Alamos people want is Perpetually Sustainable Grants.

Fox News does not have an anti-science bias. But io9 has grown a very large pro-Democrat bias.