
Another climate paper based on the amazing concept-"COULD". I am applying for my PhD thesis tomorrow because I COULD actually ,one day ,just maybe do research in the future[23rd century]. From now on I am Dr. Siempre.

In no other part of "science" do you get to publish papers with the words 'maybe' or 'could as prominant descriptors. Only in pro-Waming climate research papers do you publish and then look for data. Climate 'science' is such BS [and I do not mean bachlor of science].

this show has turned into just more anti-human, anti-reality trype. Wow, who would have guessed that the eventual plot would be that 'rich corporations' are evil?[Pay no attention to the irony that Spielburg and io9 are corporations as is EVERY business in the USA with over 10 employees]. And what is the point of the

GreaT Falls is a city of 60,000 with close to 100,000 around the area so I hope we don't get the NYC/LA viewpoint of depicting any city not LA or NYC as 2 blocks square.

Most consider renewable to be hydro, wind and solar. Hydro is nothing new and requires destroying a valley ecosystem to create power. In Europe and the USA, dams are being removed more than built [and there is great controversy in South America and Asia about new mega-dams].. Wind is the big business but its

The USA military is around 3 million-China's military is 4.5 million all by itself. It is ridiculous to say the US military is bigger than the rest of the world combined when China's military is 50% bigger than the USA military.

What a crock. All of you are using electricity sucking computers and discussing the evils of democracy and capitalism while you use your freedom of speech to type on your profit generated device. Let's not even get into the fact that no science backs the warming scam as there has not even been warming for 15 years.

The problem with these articles and posts is they do not consider other articles where io9 has sited that there are millions more species than previously known, that world poulation is more likely to shrink not expand, and that warming periods are periods of explosive speciation. This is supposed to be a science

This is a giant step closer to "Idiocracy"-was this the short feature before the film of 3 hours of someone's behind?

in the last month io9 has featured climate change maybe causing animals to get both bigger and smaller. Now, fish maybe will go faster. Don't we all love climate 'science' prefaced with the word 'maybe'?

If you still read the New York Times, well, bias and insufferable elitism is all you get there. Stop reading that rag and perhaps it will improve with new ownership.

Generally, gravity is considered a weak force. Gravity is so weak compared to electromagnetism, that that weakness is considered a clue to the existance of other dimensions.

I read an article on the theory that agriculture became popular only after it was discovered grain could be processed to alcohol. So, some anthropologists think making 'cold ones' was the reason for agriculture.

Since this is a CHILDREN's movie -shouting 'f-you' is not funny or appropriate. Have some class.

Note to posters-in the USA ...YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT. No, the People of the USA would not give any percent of themselves to aliens. The Wall Street issues are not relevant as we are arguing over taxation-a topic that is always contentious and open to disagreement. There is no discussion or point of argument to give

You know, the whole 'tin foil hat' delusion turned out to be based on 1950's mental patients who really were being experimented on by the govt. Between closed circuit cameras on every corner and articles like this[ really, eat tiny sensors that tell some 'organization' everything about my GI zones,really?] ,I no

io9 is starting to trend toward politically correct scare stories the way Popular Science magazine has done and which has left that mag unreadable. Come on io9, we are sci-fi nerds. We read real science. Stop the PC bull .