
Especially annoying because Comcast's listings were apparently not updated, so my DVR didn't record. Anyone know where I can watch? (OnDemand has a one-week delay for new CBS episodes.)

Whichever props master put together that set of photos kind of screwed up. The kid is wearing one of those paper hats from The Varsity, which is a really well-known local burger chain in Atlanta. (I'm surprised Josh didn't mention that.) Way back when Quinn was introduced in S2, Saul visited his son's mother in

Can't believe I'm the first to ask for some juicy Mail Robot gossip….

After reading most of the replies to your original comment re: S-Town, the issue of stereotyping is more complicated than I realized! I've spent my entire life in Dallas, Houston, and now Atlanta since '99, with plenty of relatives out in the sticks. I hate how the South is often portrayed in news and fictional media,

I wanted to like The Black Tapes and Tanis, but they both just got so convoluted and self-referential that I gave up. As with so many similar TV shows, I think they would've worked better as limited series. I tend to prefer more low-key audio dramas like Archive 81 and Homecoming (which, yeah, it's exactly under the

Didn't we just get news this week that she's doing a second season of Fleabag? I'd love to see her as The Doctor, but my heart belongs to Olivia Colman.

I can't embed pics in Disqus, but google "Doctor Who Regeneration Cycle". The first image that comes up (which was created by the show itself) should make you laugh!

After this week's Podmass rec, I started listening to "Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonald's?" I'm not really into comedy podcasts, but this one is laugh-aloud brilliant and has a very similar vibe to "Review". It will help to fill the Forrest-sized hole in my heart.

I wondered if she might be gay and would've preferred to see "Brenda".

They're on the Slate podcast today, talking about going back to work with a baby. Rhys's giddy Welshness is again on delightful display.

Yup, and I think that this is the first time something has ever punctured her "privileged guilt". As far as we've seen, she's not deliberately ignorant or bigoted. The idea that people could be living like this — especially for whom she is indirectly responsible — never even occurred to her. It's like the offscreen

Not only that, but Rhys is, like, giddy Welsh. Have you seen The Wine Show? The whole thing is on Hulu, and it's kind of amazing to see the Matthews Rhys and Goode just being all plummy and silly and drunk.

Oooh, that's a marvelous idea — if only to hear her tackle that accent. (But also for many, many other reasons. She just seems like a delightful person.)

The weird thing was that his "British" accent sounded a hell of a lot like Jemaine Clement. I was convinced it was supposed to be Oliver speaking through Alternadavid.

Expect a visit from him to the comments section of this review. You just know he has a Google alert for himself.

I listen to a lot of true crime and unsolved mysteries podcasts. Now I'm imagining tons of episodes and massive Reddit threads devoted to the baffling disappearance of Randy from Oklahoma City. "Killed by Soviet spies" probably wouldn't even make the top ten list of theories.

I *loved* IKEA's bags. They were huge, they folded into purse-sized squares, and they had long shoulder straps. Then they started making all the "beach bags" with zippers across the top. I would never force a cashier to stuff my groceries into a zippered bag.

Ah, yes. The good ol' "Lie back and think of Russia."

Huge kudos to the hair stylist and costumer. Felicity Huffman looks exactly like a middle-class (who thinks she's upper-class) housewife of a certain age in rural North Carolina would look. And I say this as a native Texan who now lives in metro Atlanta.
That said, she lays on the accent way too thickly. Sure, rural

I think ABC is just desperate for anything that can boost its "prestige drama" reputation, and having a contract with the Oscar-winning writer of 12 Years a Slave certainly helps. That said, I would not be at all surprised if this is the last season (which would be a huge shame).