
Yup. And when they do, it tends to be microaggressions like low expectations or being the only woman in the room, rather than in-your-face male chauvinism.

Vulture ran a huge interview with her on Tuesday. She came across as very intelligent and down-to-earth, and I really appreciated her honesty when discussing the controversy about The Martian.

You've been doing some excellent work in the replies! I wholly support YA literature for the reasons you've described (and because I'm a high school reading teacher.) That said, it's almost funny that the Chaos Walking series is labeled as "YA Dystopian Sci-Fi", just because, well, that shit is dark. It's been ages

For what it's worth, her name is actually "Caroline". "Petal" is a very condescending so-called endearment, kind of like us Southern ladies calling someone "sweetheart". And that makes me love it on Broadchurch even more. :)

I teach high school, and 90s retro is apparently now A Thing. Last year's senior class shirt was a version of the Friends logo. And this year's junior class shirt features a quote from the theme song of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

How the hell do I watch this? It doesn't show up anywhere on Netflix's Xfinity or Roku interfaces, and I couldn't even find it when I ran a search.

Good lord, I think I was eight years old when that aired, and I still remember the newscaster intoning, "Buckwheat… is dead."

And although I can be a bit cynical about the Gimlet crew, I applaud them for their decisions regarding this week's conclusion. (Trying not to drop any spoilers here. :)

Breakdown really is marvelous. Bill Rankin is a great host because he's a bonafide journalist who's been around forever — along with his stash of dad jokes — instead of some young tyro who is going to CHANGE THE WOOOOORLD via podcasting. Season two literally hit home for me because I live a few blocks from the Home

On the plus side, it did give us the New York Times trying to figure out how on earth they were going to parse that charming quote about Steve Bannon.

Season 2 should never have happened, and I say that as someone who adores Broadchurch. The first season was such a (fairly unexpected) success that ITV rushed the sequel into production without having any real idea what to do with it. That's why we ended up with that weird trial + Sandbourne mess. Season 3 is so

Yes, "pe-cahn" is indeed correct (at least over here in Atlanta and my native Texas.)

Cook-Out? They came to Atlanta a few years ago, though I haven't tried their pulled pork. Must change that soon! I do love that they offer corny dogs as a Tray side.

And I'm pretty sure that same-sex marriage is legal in the U.K. (though apparently not Northern Ireland.) Either way, River Song would have absolutely no problem with Thirteen as a wife.

When my 10-year-old nephew recently asked if the Doctor had ever been a woman, his reaction to the answer was, "Why not? That's stupid."

My parents in Dallas told me that when In 'N Out first opened there, the line of cars for the drive-thru would literally stretch for a few blocks. Now you see maybe three or four cars in the parking lot.

Similar thing happened with half the Doctor Who episodes this season. The last thirty seconds would be cut off of my Comcast DVR recording. That has only ever happened with BBC America shows.

Heh. I was HUGE into LJ too. I was primarily into fandoms and fic, and at my height I had around 1,200 "friend of"s. Then as everyone started to leave LJ, I migrated over to Twitter, locked down my Twitter account, and now have around 35 followers. And that suits me just fine. Funny how I was so (embarrassingly) into

If Olivia Colman wanted to snark her way through every show on television, I would watch every single second. Sure, it might be overwhelming for her to take on, but if she can kick ass on The Night Manager while very pregnant, then she can do whatever she damn well pleases.

Nope, the overcast, drab filter that covers everything.