
Trust fund baby, with a landscaping business to say that he really "works" for his money instead of living off Momma and Daddy's largesse?

Yeah, I mentioned in last week's comments that the classic rock thing drives me crazy. I'm roughly the same age as these women (early 40s), and Fleetwood Mac and Jefferson Airplane were totally Dad Music when I was growing up.
Then again, for this show to be realistic, we'd have the kids singing along to Smashing

The funny thing is that I'm on IE (stuck with it at work), and the new comments panel covers up all the advertisements.

Actually, Univision bought Gizmodo Media — they specifically removed Gawker from the company because of fears that it was too tainted after the lawsuit. Now, that doesn't mean your spec about AVC becoming the new Gawker is wrong, but "Gawker" as an entity no longer exists except on legal paperwork. (If I'm wrong,

I'm taking that Independent article with the proverbial grain of salt, given that the subheading is, "Tilda Swinton was the hot favourite"….

I am such a Colman fangirl that it's not even funny, and I've loved Doctor Who since watching the Fifth Doctor on PBS back in middle school. So yes, this would be kind of freakin' AMAZING.

Exactly. I couldn't care less about The Night Manager itself, but I'll take another season of Olivia Colman anywhere I could get it.

While typing another comment below, I remembered that the family surname is "Pearson". Maybe the boss was trying to make a really tasteless joke?

Which reminds me… I'm assuming Jack's death is in some kind of accident for which the family gets a huge cash settlement. He doesn't strike me as having tons of money in savings or an IRA, and Rebecca's band is probably making enough to pay some bills but not much more. Certainly not enough to keep them in a

And can I just add that I am SO glad the writers found a way to keep Oleg around, even all the way in Moscow?

The directing and acting were great, but the scene rang false to me because I couldn't buy that everyone - especially the kids - would know the song by heart. I'm around the same age as the women on the show (born in '74), and although I knew most of the Fleetwood Mac songs as a kid, they were very much "Dad Music".

Heh - was just about to say the same. I have to skip the first few minutes of every episode because of that baby tone she uses. I know she can't control the voice she was born with. She's a wicked-smart woman. But wow, that twee way she says "Join us, won't you?" along with other phrases in her episodes ruins the

I live about a mile outside of the 6th District's boundaries, so I can't actually vote in the special election. I've already donated money to Ossoff's campaign. This "attack" ad makes me want to start going door-to-door for the guy. Maybe I'll dress up as Leia (but not the bikini version, unless I want to scare off

Or that he meant men in general, rather than a specific group of men.

(This made me laugh aloud, which is too rare these days. Kudos!)

I haven't noticed that about their sofas and chairs (I have one of their sofas), but their beds are very low because they apparently don't use box springs.

Semi-related: a couple of years ago, I had an absolutely darling 10th grade student named… Isis. This was around the same time as the rise of a certain Middle Eastern organization. My student totally ignored the teasing and made sure everyone knew that she was named after an Egyptian goddess.

I'm a schoolteacher, so I've seen a ton of unusual names over the years. I think "unusual" is losing some of its stigma, though. I was a child of the '80s ,when half my classmates were Jennifers and Matthews and Amys. Now every kid has a "weird" name. It's becoming more and more rare to see traditional names, unless

When I saw the headline, I thought it WAS live-action — and my first reaction was that McKinnon is absolutely perfect. She even looks kind of like Miss Frizzle.

Same here. I saw the headline and thought it was a different kind of "can't keep it together", especially this was apparently the last thing Carrie Fisher filmed before her death. (Wasn't she even flying back from London when she had the heart attack?)