
Random fun fact: the first two seasons of H&CF are set in Richardson, Texas, which is also where Beavis & Butt-head took place. And KOTH's "Arlen" was actually Garland, the suburb next door. (I know all this because I grew up there in the '80s, and Mike Judge lived in my neighborhood when he first started drawing the

One thing I really liked about it was that her voice wasn't a perfect, mellifluous soprano. Oh, her voice is still miles better than mine and many others', but her singing sounded exactly like a real young woman in that situation would sound.

Although it's hard to tell in the movie, Trainspotting was actually set in the mid-80s. So, they have a tiny bit of wiggle room before the internet really took off around 2000.

Exactly. At first, I was basically on board. The opening disclaimer set the tone, so I could see what they were leading to. The police confrontation was sickeningly familiar and would have some huge real-world implications.

I love a good research project, so I looked into this, genuinely hoping that you were right and I was wrong. I logged out of the FX Now app on Roku then relogged in, in hopes that was the problem. Nope. The screen says "All episodes are available via FX Now", but the only clips I can see are previews/extras.

I checked about an hour ago. All the FXNow app had were previews and deleted scenes. And when I ran a general Roku search, it was also on VuDu and Fandango, but you had to pay.

And once again, that streaming contract with Amazon fucks over the show*. I just checked, and (as far as I can tell) S4 is not available anywhere for free — not the FX site, the FX Roku app, or Xfinity's OnDemand. The only place I found it streaming was on Amazon for $1.99 an episode. These nominations have the

And The Wine Show is apparently coming to Hulu next month!

I'm just glad that the Academy didn't get confused by the titles and also chose to nominate American Crime.

I can live without a nomination for TDS (and good call re: the shock of its lack of a nom), but I really wish Full Frontal had made the list.

I am thrilled by the nominations for Mr. Robot, Master of None, and Olivia Colman. But the reason I'm dancing around the living room?

When Craig Robinson's character first shows up, the framing of him, Leon, and Elliott makes me wonder if Leon really exists.

Yeah, that is pretty strange, given that the tweet only went up at 8:30pm EST. Guess I'm lucky that I have no life and can check Twitter constantly in order to make the two-hour window.

Heh. I was thinking of something early in the episode that must've required some fancy CGI.

Just finished watching. No spoilers, but I actually laughed aloud! Twice! During an episode of Mr. Robot! (Also, I'm very curious how they managed to pull off a couple of scenes.)

My mother's whole family is from Jones County (though she moved to Dallas as a teen and is now in her 70s), but she had never heard of this until I told her about the movie a few months ago. Now she's really excited to see this movie when I visit next week, and she's telling all her friends to go see it too. My mother

Although the episode certainly made me laugh (especially everything with Jonah), I think this episode was a bit of a disappointment because it felt so… standard. It hit all the typical sitcom beats, without the unexpected lunacy that marks the best Veep episodes. I'd still give it a "B", though, and it sets up some

I think it was also meant as a cue to the audience that William didn't reveal the Jennings' identities. He wouldn't be giddy around Phillip if he suspected anything.

Thanks for the info! As a hardcore Bugler (hell, I even donated $5/month for a while), I have left that latest episode unplayed because I didn't want to face The End of an Era — even if it was inevitable.

Okay, here's a question: how is Six Flags dealing with the racism of one of their six themed parts of the park? I haven't been to Six Flags over Texas since I was a kid in Dallas (and now I live in Atlanta, where my students have no idea why the hell the local park is named "Six Flags"), but I vaguely remember a fake