
Didn't they also say that "the director of next week's episode will be joining us"? If so, that means I get to listen to Matthew Rhys's Welsh silliness on my way to work tomorrow! Whee!

My 70-year-old mother and that whole side of my family are from Jones County, MS, and she barely even knew about the Free State of Jones. To be fair, though, she and her parents moved to Dallas before she could learn MS history in school. She's excited to see this movie when I come to visit this summer. (And I'll add

For what it's worth, I noticed that they removed Mahendru's name from the credits (dammit) and replaced it with the man who plays Aderholt.

Last season, Costa Ronin favorited a tweet I was mentioned in. Quite surreal. In a good way. I think. (My Twitter account is locked down, but a friend and I were having one of our omg-this-show-is-amazing!!! squeefests.)

Stan's use of "asshole" also seemed to be a callback to how often that word showed up in the EST seminars.

Do you still have a link? I remember reading that weeks ago and would like to see how it matches up now.

You have to sign up and give a credit card for Sundance's DocClub, but it's free as long as you cancel within that first month. (That's what I recently did just so I could watch The Staircase.)

Given that Anton knows about the Stealth program and has been helping the Soviets build their own, I doubt the USSR would let him step foot outside the compound, much less go back to America. Poor guy.

Forget Paige. The Centre should've tried to recruit Henry. He'd LOVE that.

The way they framed that shot, I half-expected Stan's angry face to pop up in the window behind Phillip.

I teach high school, and today I realized that one of my students IS Greg. Identical personality, and D. is a dead ringer for the actor. He even has that same smug superiority. And the capper: he's planning to apply to Emory.

Maaaaan, the CarSpa guys kept it because you didn't tip 'em.

Speaking… who else watched Deutschland 83?

I was never into Fleetwood Mac, so "Tusk" is lost on me. But ever since the AVC comments on the Pilot, my go-to is shouting, "The Americans! FUCK YEAH!"

She's playing Clarence Thomas's wife in "Confirmation". When I saw her in the previews, I shouted, "Martha! NO!"

I'm curious what the original plan was for Betsy Ross, and why the producers changed their minds. You don't hire (and pay) Nikki Reed as a series regular only to bring her on for short, inconsequential flashback scenes that could easily be done by a day-player working for scale. And unless I've missed something, she

Yup. My suburban Atlanta apartment complex is now about 40% Indian, most of whom have come over in the past few years on tech visas. In fact, my zip code is apparently the most diverse in the state — the same zip code that, twenty years ago, was called "The Redneck Capital of the South." Heh. (And while I certainly

Really? Huh. Thanks for the info. I don't watch many FX shows, so I hadn't noticed it before.

One thing about the editing really bugged me: the way it would freeze-frame for split second before cutting to the next shot. I hope the directors of the rest of the season don't keep that quirk, because it made me twitchy.

I can't bring myself to unsubscribe from it in Downcast, even though I know no more are coming. Ah, well. We'll always have the Requiem for LMFAO. *sob*