
Not gonna lie — until I checked Twitter, I thought the therapist was Benedict Cumberbatch in really awful makeup.

Funny, that's exactly how I feel about all those live episodes of "Welcome to Night Vale" (except in that case it's teen hipster wannabes.)

Still not as bad as the little girl on The Whispers named "Minx".

Sponsored links make me irrationally angry, in large part because I know they're totally data-mining me to choose links that I would find interesting, and some of those headlines are SO tempting… but no way in hell am I gonna give 'em the satisfaction. Hmph.

Thanks for respectfully disagreeing! I guess my reaction is influenced by how often TV women with unplanned pregnancies vaguely consider abortion then change their minds at the last minute, and everything works out perfectly for them as they beam with joy while holding the baby. It's so frustrating because the idea of

I'm kicking myself for being surprised by the pregnancy, given how much the episode telegraphed it. If there were ever a case for a no-guilt, don't-look-back abortion, this would be it. But since this is US television, that probably won't happen. Poor Donna. That said, I genuinely like this show, and I'm really

A whole Serial season about Bieber, huh? Does some horrible tragedy befall him? Or… is he the suspect? Hmm… !?

Yup. I'm happy to read subtitles, but the white text was often quite difficult to read on the dynamic background. I just had the bright idea to go over to Sundance TV's Facebook page and request they change it… only to see that most of the comments on their Deutschland 83 post were requesting the same thing. Heh.

I wouldn't even mind the commercials so much if they would just mix 'em up and not show the same damn three ads during every break. (To be fair, Hulu isn't even the worst about that. Last summer I caught up with Playing House on USA's streaming player, and they showed the exact same ad during every single break for

I'm still kinda hoping that O'Brien wins the House vote just so that we'll have a season of President Buddy Garrity.

What is it with TV shows and anachronistic names? No way would a woman born in the early 1950s be named "Kendall". That shit only got trendy in the '90s. If the writers wanted a gender-neutral name for the big fake out, why not go with something like Chris or Tommy (short for Thomasina) or whatever?

And it was a clever directing choice to keep Helena's Bill-Killing offscreen. She may be awesome, but actually seeing her take down at least three huge guys (even with a paper cutter) would've required too much suspension of disbelief.

During the dance scene, I was too distracted by his man boobs. (Not meant as a slight against the actor! I applaud him for showing off his floppy pecs!)

Yup. It's weird how Netflix seems to still be sold on House of Cards as its big flagship drama, even though OITNB has exponentially more critical and pop cultural cred. It makes me even more curious to see their top-secret viewing figures. Maybe HOC really is far more financially valuable to them because of those

Ah, thanks! I figured it might be something like that, but I wasn't aware of the Gimlet thing. I'll have to check that out once I clear out Downcast sometime next year.

Mystery Show is really enjoyable and takes some fun, unexpected turns. One thing keeps bothering me, though: who on earth is paying for all this? The first episode was pretty ordinary and lo-fi… but the other two episodes have featured travel to Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Las Vegas, along with a freakin' $2500 concert

The Americans! Fuck, yeah!

Season 3 starts on July 9!

Although I hate Hollywood's belief that the world revolves around them, I suppose I'd rather Agent Carter just give up and embrace its Los Angeles filming locations instead of trying and failing to fake it for another season. (Though yes, Europe would've been far superior!)

And she lives in Canada, right?