
I liked the pilot more than I expected, but I'm not sure I can commit to a show with a little girl named "Minx".

It's apparently June 1-May 31, which makes it especially funny that Nightingale and Oyelowo won (well-deserved) awards since it only aired last Friday night. I'm assuming the critics saw screener copies, or else they just made up the winners on Saturday morning.

Since we've all got Braum's on the brain…. I checked out their Wiki page a few months ago, curious why they hadn't expanded nationwide. Turns out the company has their own huge dairy farm in Kansas(?) and produces all of their own milk and ice cream, and they stipulate that all stores be within 300 miles of that farm

I don't think the drugs started until after the Giant went live. Coke is such a big part of '80s lore that the writers would've totally used that if they wanted to know that Gordon and/or the others were using. In the past few months, he definitely seems to have gone skiing in a big way — particularly since his

If nothing else, this episode had me craving a scoop of chocolate chip from Braum's. I wonder if Gordon took the kids to the one on Beltline, across from the Richardson police department? My family used to ride bikes up there on Sunday evenings. Too bad I live a thousand miles away in Atlanta now.

Indeed — it was a magnificent performance, period. :) I liked what Oyelowo said about how Peter is the type of black man that he knows in real life, but who mwe almost never see onscreen. Representation is very important, but variety within that representation is often forgotten!

On Fresh Air the other day, Oyelowo said that this part was originally written for a white actor. He also had some really interesting thoughts about how he approached the role with that in mind, given the types of parts we usually see black men play onscreen. Well worth a listen!

Yup. He has a very particular style. If you're familiar with that style and Louis CK himself, you're going to find the jokes hilarious. If you're unfamiliar with him — and he tells those jokes at he start of the set before you've gotten used to him — then you're going to react like this OKC crowd does.

And we already have copycats! I laughed aloud when I saw the banner on the Atlanta newspaper's website about their new podcast that explores a murder for which an innocent man might have been sent to prison. (I'd link you, but I haven't even checked it out myself. Don't want to give them the satisfaction.)

Miami Vice? Meh. Now, Miami Sound Machine….

And those eyebrows! Perfect scalene triangles!

Heh. I scrolled through the comments in hopes that someone else would mention that. Marc Maron has always annoyed me, but I really enjoyed getting a peek at Terry Gross's real life (and I hadn't realized until now just how little we do know about her.)

If the inaccurate "skytrain" wasn't a tipoff, then it was all those JetBlue planes. (Why the hell won't they fly out of the world's busiest airport? Hmph.)

She apparently has a significant role on True Detective S2, which makes me worried we won't see much of Amantha next season. I hope I'm wrong! I know that the character annoys many fans (er, all ten of us), but I really like her relationship with Daniel.

The commercials made me cringe. I absolutely HATE sitcom gimmick episodes (Johnny Karate exempted in perpetuity), and something about the Black-ish ads made this episode look even worse than the usual theme episode corniness and character shoehorned into stupid situations while I wince in Fremdschämen . (Yay for the

The new trend toward year-round programming has made the summers more interesting, but… yeah, they still really, really suck. I should go find one of those Summer Preview posts. I was just thinking earlier that hey, at least we'll get another season of Fargo, but that won't start until "Fall 2015". Grr.

I suspect the whole cast and crew is under a hardcore NDA, since we've barely heard a peep from anyone on set. Most of this is (highly likely) conjecture — and I totally believe it's true; I'm just surprised at the lack of specific gossip beyond "They hate each other and refuse to be in scenes together."

Of course he'd try to learn French. He already speaks flawless Pig Latin.

I read and reread the review, but I couldn't figure out how Marvel is involved in this one.

Alas, this was the first episode this season which didn't quite work for me — but then that's setting a very high standard, and it was definitely funny! The Cliffley sketch felt incomplete, or maybe I'm just used to her building up to a wicked, insightful punchline. When it started, I assumed it would end with the