
Same here. I was thrilled by the episode until the last minute, which I hated. Kidnapping a newborn baby from (literally) his mother's arms was absolutely cruel and unnecessary. Yes, I know that such plots are telenovela staples, but this felt like a huge tonal misfire for this particular show. It's a pitch-black

Does The Good Wife take place in an alternate universe? It must, because I can't imagine producers who experienced the Sarah Palin phenomenon would expect us to take seriously the idea of Peter Florrick as a legitimate vice presidential candidate.

We'll probably still see them show up on the networks for a while, though, because I'm under the impression that multi-cams are MUCH cheaper to produce than a single-cam with all those location shots and longer crew hours.

So, was this your first IAS episode? If so, it's a hell of an introduction.

As a public high school teacher, I'm a tiny bit ashamed to admit that I now have a weird little crush because he's married to one of us.

Welcome to Atlanta, new neighbor! (And this was a great review.)

Can't decide whether or not I'm ashamed to admit that my English teacher side shouted, "They're SIMILES, not metaphors!"

I don't think she IS pregnant — and she has a wonderful figure! — but the makeup and costume designers do an impressive job of making her look realistically pregnant, particularly around her face and the way she moves.

Yeah, but giving an "A" or "A-" to nearly every episode devalues the accomplishment. I mean, it's a magnificent show, but it's not 100% perfect. Nothing is. (And I'd say the same about another critical favorite like Breaking Bad.)

For some reason, I always call Modern Life Is Rubbish my favorite Blur album, even though I tend to love many of the individual songs on Parklife more than those on MLIR. No idea why! At first, I thought that was because MLIR holds together better as a cohesive whole… yet Parklife is also pretty great on that front.

Nah. Selina learned her lesson with that croissant.

That was hard to watch, but it was all worth the slog in the end just to see Louis CK knitting.

I still suspect that the series' greatest shock will be that Martha will outlive us all.

I think (hope?) the joke is that they are what Hollywood considers "unfuckable", not the rest of the world.

I'm just wondering what happened to kill all her badass popularity in "Detroit". (Did I miss something?)

I was about to say, "If the Emmys still refuse to recognize Rectify and The Americans, then this is the next best thing."

I'm pretty sure my coworkers haven't even HEARD of any of the shows on this list. Which is why I am indeed better than them, since I am madly in love with ALL THE WINNERS (except maybe The Knick. Meh.)

I begin every episode convinced that Martha will die, especially this week. And every time, she survives through the closing credits. That's a good thing, of course, because I absolutely love Martha. But I'm starting to suspect that Fields and Weisberg will shock the hell out of us all by having her be the only one

(Don't normally make comments like these, but KUDOS for making me laugh aloud this Monday-morning-after-a-weeklong-vacation. Well played, sir.)

Off on a tangent here, but we like to tease my parents about how they totally failed when my sister was born. Mom had to schedule a caesarian, and she went with Saturday (right after her due date) because that's when they could get a sitter for three-year-old me. Ah, but if she'd managed to give birth on that Friday,