
The subheading "No. B-613 baby" suddenly made me very, very glad that (so far) Shonda Rhimes has not gone down the secret/unexpected pregnancy route. Not even a scare.

Yup. People use that as a way to cast doubt on Prince Harry's parentage, but nearly all the Spencers except Diana are gingers. (I used to buy into the James Hewitt speculation, but damned if Harry isn't looking more and more like Charles and Phillip every day.)

Wait, you mean Meet the Smiths isn't a new reality show about the early days of Morrissey? Damn. That would've been a blast. (A very depressing blast.)

FWIW, I don't think they give a heads-up, at least not in every case. I remember that Hershey didn't know about the pitch before the AMC airing, but they were thrilled and sent Wiener a huge gift basket.

I've been setting my DVR to replay the episodes when I go to sleep, along with playing them once or twice OnDemand, just so I can goose the numbers a bit.

Thanks to the S1 recaps, every bit of good news about this show makes me shout "The Americans! FUCK YEAH!"

Try singing Sex Box to the tune of “Car Wash”—it’ll brighten your day!

I'm really starting to wonder if it'll end with Phillip defecting while Elizabeth goes to either the Soviet Union or a U.S. prison. I can see Phillip doing that as a last, desperate way to save the kids, with either Elizabeth willing to fall on the sword of her ideals or else him selling her out for the kids' sake.

I agree. That, or voluntary term limits, where you graciously decide "Hey, I've won enough. Let someone else have a chance." Sure, that would solve the problems with Modern Family and Jim Parsons… but it would also include multi-time winners like Mad Men and Bryan Cranston.

My thoughts exactly. I started listening to them several months ago I tried to drift off to sleep, and I did get through episode 50ish — so it's not like I made a snap judgment. But I finally gave up when I couldn't tell the episodes apart. "One joke over and over again", indeed, Cecil's near-monotonous narration and

His speech in "The Break-Up" is one of my top five funniest things ever. "But now there's this thing called 'women's liberation', that gives you women the right to choose. And you have chosen to abort me."

I wonder who negotiated that deal. Bad, bad decision.

No Rezidentura at all this week. In fact, I don't remember much of them last week, either. (I need to rewatch the last few episodes this weekend.) Yeah, this was a marvelous episode, but I miss those darn Soviets.

The producers have mentioned in several interviews that in their research, they learned of three cases in which women found out they were married to Soviet spies. I don't remember all the details, but one woman apparently took the news calmly then a few hours later blew her head off. I'm very, very nervous that

Fun fact: "Your Hand in Mine" DOES appear in S1 of Friday Night Lights. It's in the season finale, when the Panthers walk into Texas Stadium (they emerge from the tunnel at the moment when the drums kick in at around 1:10 of the original version.) The combination of music and visuals is absolutely sublime. I actually

I absolutely love how "Remember Me As a Time of Day" shows up FIVE separate times in the pilot (yes, I counted). It's as if Katims was determined to get as much use as possible out of a song they paid for.

That was definitely my second favorite part of S2, after everything related to Olivia Colman.

For what it's worth, I teach HS waaaaay up in the Atlanta exurbs, and my students recently told me that Riggs goes to one of the neighboring high schools. They said that they sometimes see him at Starbucks or GameStop or wherever the hell teens hang out these days. Apparently his family is raising him to be a totally

Yup. And they got additional footage at some point, because I remember seeing a night shot while marathoning (P&R RIP) the other day. Although I get a kick out of the sacred JJ's being on Cheshire Bridge Road, I do wonder why the location scouts didn't just find someplace in LA so that they could do exteriors later if

She's adorable, yeah, but (unpopular opinion time) she's a smidge TOO precocious. Diane and — to a lesser extent — the other kids skirt the edge of Cute But Totally Unrealistic Sitcom Kid, and she's the one who too often falls on the wrong side of that line. I definitely want her to stick around because, yes, adorable,