
Richard Linklater and Wes Anderson: the two top awards tonight won by two quirky Texas* filmmakers. And I love it.

Funny to hear you say that, because I had the opposite reaction last night! I've been a hardcore 'shipper and fic writer for many, many shows — hell, I was around for the height of the X-Files Shipper/Noromo wars of '98. I love when two really interesting characters get together, and I adore Watson and Holmes, both

I gave it a spin because the King Lear aspect sounded interesting (and points for — as he shall always be known — Jonathan from Buffy.) Glad I tried it out, because I enjoyed it far more than I expected to.

As I say every time her name is mentioned, she is a goddamned national — nay, world — treasure and should be worshiped as such.

I also got a kick out of the "Riggs" FNL connection, even if it was unintentional.

And on a similar note, I really wish AVC had chosen a different headline for this WOT?, because "Midseason Kisses and Baby Drama" just totally plays to all the prejudices that keep so many people from watching this show. Sigh.

Ah, MINI-series! My sister keeps asking if I plan to watch, but I said she must be mistaken about the dates because why on earth would a cable channel (even SyFy) premiere a new series on December 15?

Totally called the Whitney-pregnancy-resulting-in-Scotty's-death at least five episodes ago… then again, so did half the AVC The Affair commentariat. Carrie's astute observation about the "just friends" line is making me reconsider, though.

She should totally dump New Boyfriend because he's two-timing her with Carrie on Homeland. (And I've been sick all week as well. It really, really does suck. My sympathies!)

I saw the Ambassador's actions as darker and more self-serving. If I remember correctly, she argues with him up until he says that it could help salvage her career. His death would make the treason easier to keep quiet. She would take a hit and probably have to resign or be demoted due to the embassy takeover, but she

Actually, I can't remember why I know this, but Brody ran as a Republican (though his own political beliefs are up in the air). I'm pretty sure that the congressman who had to resign because of the sex scandal was GOP, and the implication was that the party elders wanted to be rid of him anyway. But, again, I could be

At this point in Broadchurch, one major verbal slip had clued savvy viewers as to who the likely culprit was (English oddsmakers even laid bets on it).

I've done a lot of "la la la can't hear you!" to the complaints about Abbie's diminished importance this season, and how she has gone from a true CO-lead to essentially Ichabod's sidekick. (*I* don't see her that way at all, but I fear the show - unintentionally? - sees her that way.)

For the past year or so, Grady Hospital has been running commercials here in Atlanta with their slogan, "We wouldn't be here without Grady", featuring people whose lives were saved in the ER or whatever. If they had any sense, their marketing department would've bought some ad time during tonight's episode. Then

Those are two of my favorites, but for sheer brilliance start-to-finish, I've gotta go with "Unnatural Love".

"We're $100K in debt, and these medical bills might be a bitch because we're self-employed and probably have crappy insurance."

Bright side: I can show this episode title to my World Lit students (who just finished reading the play on Tuesday) to prove the enduring cultural importance of Oedipus Rex.

My current theory — which will almost certainly be proven wrong — is that Scotty starts something with Whitney, and that somehow leads to his death. That would give the title a double meaning, along with tying together some of the various threads such as Whitney's "troubled" behavior, townies vs. summer people, and

Several years ago, Cracked did one of their lists posts of things the writer learned from living in poverty. (I can't go hunt down a link right now, but let me know if you want me to look later.) It was an incredible eye-opener. He also addresses the issue of eating healthy meals while living on a poverty-level

What's that corny old joke? "How can you tell if someone is a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you."