
Also, the guy who plays Rogelio is absolutely a comic genius. I'm usually in the "bemused smile" group when it comes to comedy, but several of his lines last night had me laughing aloud. Loudly.

And considering how Amy Sedaris is practically a permanent guest star on Letterman, I foresee very, very good (or just insanely hilarious) days ahead.

I know that the producers have said that we'll only see Alison and Noah's POVs this season, but I wonder if they'll switch the order. So far, each episode has been Noah then Alison. Maybe this is my own bias coming in, but it's almost as if they're setting it up so that we get Noah's (unreliable) version, followed by

Seriously — if you haven't already (and I can't tell if you have), then watch at least one of her Doctor Who episodes. They're all on Netflix. Maybe start with her first ep, "The Eleventh Hour", which is a good place to start anyway since it doesn't require much backstory explanation.. Bonus points for seeing her in a

There's a hell of a lot of "I'm not a feminist, but [espouses believes that are totally xth wave feminism, yet refuses to use the word because of its connotation as icky-bra-burning-man-hating-lesbians.]"

The grandfather is a good call. I don't see the police investigation going into quite this much depth if it were just a random townie that got run over, but if it were the celebrity multimillionaire author…? Yeah.

I'm really curious, though, whether he's meant to be a fundamentalist or come from that type of family. His female friend didn't wear any type of head covering, and although she acted a bit sneaky and kept the door open, she was still able to be in a room alone with a boy. We in the West hear so much about Islamic

And she played the seductress in stiletto heels and red lipstick on Scandal last season.

Fun fact: Bamber's father is American, so he does have a passport and seems to be loving all things U.S. these days. That said, yeah, he's a born-and-bred Oxbridge Brit. (And he did do a magnificent job with the accent. I almost never heard any slips beyond the dastardly "been".)

I always loved how they gave Olmos some blue colored contacts in a weak attempt to create a genetic link with the very, very English Bamber.

I'm also curious what type of companion would even be best suited to him. I actually think he and Clara are fascinating together, even if they aren't always good together. But when I try to imagine what type of personality the next Companion should have, I keep coming up blanks. I love that Twelve is grouchy and

You've said exactly what I planned to say, but you put it much better! Maura's arc is really fascinating, and Tambor is marvelous. I just wish the show would focus on her and leave the kids as background noise. They bring nothing new to the table. I know the mantra is "write what you know", but I'm tired of watching

Anna Gunn is very talented, and I'm willing to give this version a shot. But Olivia Colman is a goddamned national — nay, world — treasure, and she was absolutely incandescent as Ellie.

Gah! So embarrassing! Can I blame it on Friday morning brain-freeze?

Heh. I was born in the 1970s and have a Grandma name — though it's actually a variation of my own mother's name (similar to "Margaret" > "Peggy"). According to the SSA database, its height of popularity was in the late '30s. I have always HATED it because it's so damned old-fashioned and kind of ugly or at least

Bullets over Baghdad? (Damn great Outkast song.)

Yup, I think field hockey is more specifically a girls' sport, whereas lacrosse is popular with both girls and boys. Maybe the writers chose it because it's one of the few high school sports without a boys' equivalent (e.g. if Andy went out for fast-pitch softball, the coach would probably just steer him toward

The real question, however, is: “Why isn’t a Bryan Adams song the theme to every movie, huh?”

"Act of Contrition" happened to be the first episode I ever saw. I tuned in the night it aired since I'd heard good things about the show. And as soon as that scene with Kara and Adama ended, I fell madly in love.

I tend to give a pass to actors trying to do an American accent when English isn't even their first language. I know she has been speaking English since childhood, but it's still very hard to master the nuances if it isn't your default. Yeah, there's still a bit of German in her voice, but she gets it right most of