
Yup. It's one thing for everyone around her (and the viewers) to suspect something but assume it's not their place to speak up. It's another to discover that she has known about it all along but has actively chosen not to get treatment/therapy or apparently taken any steps on her own to even understand her condition

Indeed. When Eva suggested shaving it off, my first reaction was, "Mmm, yeah, Hot Johnno's coming back."

Indeed! It has my vote for Best 30 Rock Moment Ever, and that's saying a lot. (And how the hell did Erik Adams completely forget to mention it in an otherwise excellent review!?)


Who's in the mood for an advertising rant this morning?

I won't pretend to be anything close to a SYTYCD expert, but I wonder if the lack of diversity was one of the problems — and I don't mean racial diversity, though that was definitely lacking. Although the finalists came from a fairly broad spectrum of genres, that didn't really play out in the show routines beyond the

Heh. We did our best. I'll admit that this was my first season to watch, and that was definitely helped by finding out that Zack and I graduated from the same school (though I was done the year before he started.) Fun fact: Melanie Moore from a few years ago is a grad of our rival high school a couple of miles away —

The Americans' credits are amazing — an absolutely perfect blend of music, editing, and images. I still can't believe they weren't even nominated for an Emmy the year they were eligible. They should've won.

I wish I could figure out why I find Virginia/Bill so off-putting. Their professional relationship is fascinating. I adore both characters, especially Gini. I appreciate how she owns her sexuality, especially in the scenes with Bill. I've been a hardcore shipper for other shows, including some weird and unpopular

I just assumed that the show hasn't recast her children, since the show jumped three years. Still, their absence is a bit clunky.

Some critics were joking about that on Twitter the other day; I guess they'd just seen this episode. The consensus was that the only Brit (well, Welshman) who pulls it off is Matthew Rhys shouting about how poor Paige trusts Jesus but not him.

I know that Liz's "screwed-up single woman" characterization evolved into a bit of a cliche over the course of the series, but damned if I didn't totally identify with it. A stereotype, sure, but many of those quirks could've come from my own life. And that choking scene is what made me fall in love with the show.

Yup, a totally ordinary suburb, with Target and QuikTrip and pee-wee football leagues. Okay, and Stone Mountain itself, but I'll conveniently ignore that. (And I say this from over in Smyrna, which is totally yuppified now but has a bit of an, er, past.) Turning it into Kenneth's hillbilly Appalachian village is what

I know! And people still watch it! That's just craaaaaaazy!

The illustration was indeed amazing, but I'm concerned that our now-beloved superhero might need to see a doctor about those pink clouds poofing out of her vaginal region.

This show fills me with such a profound sense of dread, but in such a beautiful way.

I would pay good money for that, especially if Capaldi and Ferguson drop acid in the TARDIS.

As a lifelong fan (albeit in fits and starts over the years), I'm still shocked that it has become such a huge thing stateside. I'm a high school teacher, and quite a few of my students are really into the show. Yeah, many are Tennant fangirls, but some of the boys are also fans — and all of them are excited about

The Guilty Remnant is hard to deal with, especially since Lindelof
refuses to go all in and tell us what their goal is. Matt says they're
dead inside and while that might be true, I think their goals go further
than that. They seem interested in reminding people that the "rapture"
(for lack of a better word) happened

Serious question: why do so many commenters HATE Sonia Saraiya? It's baffling and makes me a bit uncomfortable. I don't agree with every point in her reviews, but she's a good writer whom I respect.