
"Hamm & Buble" is my favorite thing in the history of time (or, at least, the history of SNL.)

I'll admit that I didn't watch, but he is indeed a treasure. Did he use an Australian ("evil version of our own") accent this time, or did the MF producers assume nobody would notice the difference between that and a NZ accent?

The Hilty-Buntain separated-at-birth thing is indeed freakishly uncanny, though in that photo she's also rocking a lot of Christina Applegate.

"Not great, Arkady!"

Yeah, I was hoping that the last scenes would serve as a reset button for S4… but I really doubt that will happen. Shonda Rhimes is a lot smarter and gutsier than people give her credit for being, but she also knows where her bread is buttered — and all the drama and Olivia/Fitz has made Scandal into a phenomenon. Too

We Americans slouch around, despondent about how Canada is better than us in every way… until we watch Orphan Black and discover that y'all too have soulless suburban subdivisions! Hooray!

I just feel really bad for Sandra, especially in that scene where she clearly wants Stan to go to her est graduation, but he's oblivious (and screwing a woman in the KGB). Sandra's in the awful rut that so many women those days were in: not really in a position to go get a job, but pretty much miserable staying home.

Ooh, good point. The women on this show (even Martha and Sandra and Paige) are amazing.

When did Oleg - OLEG! - become my favorite character on this show?

Despite the many awful, shocking, and heartfelt things that have happened on this show, I don't think I've ever been as CRUSHED as I was by Henry whimpering "I'm a good person."

Whether or not the story is true (that Sorkin did indeed dump SN in favor of WW), I totally bought into it back then… and it's why I never watched The West Wing. Yeah, it's a stupid reason, but I just loved Sports Night so much and was so bitter about its cancellation.

Yeah, I recently noticed that in The Americans' opening credits, five of the eight actors are women. That fact should not be as delightful and RARE as it is. *sigh*

We never did find out what happened to Peggy's baby son back in S1. With Pete Campbell as a father, him becoming Joffrey is entirely plausible.

I never expected Mad Men to show us more male (near) full-frontal nudity than most of the shows on premium cable. And I'm not about to complain. (I could actually take or leave nekkidness, but if we're gonna get it, at least let's have some parity!)

I'm definitely checking Ravelry for a crochet pattern tomorrow.

Mmm. My all-time favorite song. The shipping forecast and Damon murmuring that everything's gonna be okay. What's not to love?

"Common People" was released as I was finishing up a year at Queen Mary College in Mile End (yeah, that Mile End). I was more working-class than rich, but, hell, I had enough money to spend a year in London — even if it was all financed by student loans — and I loved that I was living in a "real neighborhood".

"Out of Time" gets a happy sigh from me. But I think my favorite Blur songs — hell, all-time favorite songs, period — are "This Is a Low" (shipping forecast!) and "Clover over Dover" (harpsichord!).

Modern Life Is Rubbish is one of the greatest albums ever. Period. (My screenname elsewhere is "Chrome" as in "A chrome-covered clone am I", but everyone assumes I'm just a big Google fan. Hmph.)

Oops, didn't scroll down far enough when I posted upthread about baby names. I'm almost certain it'll be a girl because Ann and Diane already had boys (and because Poehler is such a hardcore — and awesome — feminist.)