
Yup, and Leslie's getting close to the end of her baby-making years. They've been hinting at this since before the wedding, so it's not like this is a last-ditch thing.

One of my favorite things about the pilot is that Berg was apparently determined to get his money's worth out of "Remember Me as a Time of Day". It appears FIVE separate times in that one episode. Pity they couldn't get more EITS songs as the series progressed. I absolutely loved how they used "Your Hand in Mine" in

Wow! So it really IS possible to love him even more.

Yup! "The Treaty" is my favorite episode, just for Leslie and Ben fighting like brats, plus lines like "We got the freakin' moon! What are you gonna do without tides, Peru?"

Everyone, a call to arms: fight the turtle patriarchy!!!

I need a turtle cozy knitting pattern right freakin' now. (I also need a turtle that can wear it, but that's another story.)

Poor Bonnie, gettin' the character-naming short end of the stick.

Now I am wildly curious what a Louis CK singing-and-dancing opening monologue would be like.

I'm kind of obsessed with their opening credits. The US vs USSR juxtapositions are a bit on-the-nose, but damned if the editors didn't choose and cut each clip perfectly. I can't find a link since I'm on my phone, but someone on YouTube posted the whole credits at half-speed to really show off everything going on.

Ah, but as with so many things on this show: will it stick, or will it be forgotten a few eps later?

This song has to be one of the worst/greatest earworms of all time. Its burrowing power was especially strong this past winter. If I so much as even thought about American Hustle — much less saw one of the ubiquitous commercials — this damn song would be in my head for the rest of the day. Fortunately, it's a very

And why does Street have working legs? OMG!

Only if it's Donna Meagle from Parks & Rec.

My favorite part is when new viewers discover it. I can't begin to count the number of friends/acquaintances who tell me, "I don't want to watch FNL. I hate football and Texas." And then once I finally convince them to at least give it a try, they are immediately MADLY IN LOVE.

Ah, but how do they pronounce "Waxahachie"? And why do they have an extra "T" and "E"? Hmph!

Indeed. Plus, that relationship screamed "doomed!" from the beginning. Instead, April and Andy seem to genuinely love each other and will probably be married until the day they die in a Transylvanian old folks' home. All the happy couples on Parks & Rec definitely subvert several of the TV romcom cliches.

Not to mention when they make very unspecific arrangements to meet that that bar.

On a related note, how does a private detective with a lowish-rent suburban Louisiana office manage to drive a very nice Cadillac? Not to mention Steve Geraci driving a Maserati. I know that corruption can be lucrative for a sheriff, but can it be that lucrative? (Then again, I'm a schoolteacher and therefore have no

A not-so-tiny part of my heart hopes like hell that he brings Andy over for a few guest spots.

Oh, good. I quite like the kid, but I can see where he would grate on others' nerves.