
I can never tell whether all the "BERT!"s are sarcastic or not.

I was all set to (very grudgingly) accept that Atlanta is not cool enough to be on the tour dates… until I saw that they're going to something called a freakin' SUBURBIA Festival in freakin' PLANO*?

Why do they even need to hide or explain it away? I wish the writers of this show and others would give the audience some credit. Yes, we know the actor playing the main character is pregnant, and we also know that the character herself is not. All the ridiculous attempts for this show (and all the others in the same

Nah, don't be. Bucatinsky actually won the Emmy for Best Guest Actor in a Drama last year, so he's probably safe for a while (knock on wood.)

Could've sworn that back when FOTC was on the air, I read somewhere that although they share cowriter credit on everything, Jemaine tended to write the romantic songs like "Business Time", while Bret wrote the totally whacked-out shit like "Prince of Parties" and "Petrov, Yelyena, and Me". (If that's true, then it's

There's a reason why this is my Disqus icon.

I just remembered that The Americans (obligatory "Tusk!") returns on Wednesday night. I totally forgot to rewatch S1, and my pesky job prevents me from just camping out on the sofa until then. I wonder if I can cram six hours of TV into each of the next two evenings….

If you want to get pedantic, then Kim would indeed be the SECOND woman, as Henie won in THREE consecutive Olympics. (But that is very, very pedantic.)

Okay, I'll freely admit to being a once-every-four-years skating fan*, but it seems like many of the skaters this time around are older — like, I noticed several are in their 20s and even a couple in their 30s. That's surprising to me, given that I'm used to the announcers heralding all the teenagers, especially among

Yes, he has grown up quite nicely, to say the least. Unfortunately, my brain sees his name and immediately pictures that pudgy, dorky preteen, which makes his now-adult hotness very uncomfortable for me.

Ugh, the writing for the women. Claire, Jackie, and Rachel have SO much potential, and the actors are doing their damnedest to make them awesome. But I wish they would get some storylines unrelated to who they are or were sleeping with (non-consensually, in Claire's case.) Her big plot involves abortion and sexual

To me, she looks like a Disney princess, and some of her costumes look like that too.

If I remember correctly, Lipinski and Weir said that next year skaters will be allowed to use lyrics in their music. That should certainly shake things up. If nothing else, it will probably lead many skaters to use more modern songs.

My favorite giveaway is "been". Pretty much the rest of the English-speaking world pronounces it as "bean", whereas vast swaths of the U.S. say either "ben" or "bin". Even actors who are otherwise great at American accents still often slip when they say that word.

Andy's puns are one of the greatest things on this or any planet.

Very true, and that's a fine set of gams on Adam Scott. (Though I also wish we'd gotten some Hamm this time around.)

I was just surprised and kinda glad that George Washington (if it even WAS him omg!) was all skeletal in that coffin. As they walked into the tomb, I rather expected Washington to rise from the dead.

And, of course, Abbie's true dream was to reunite with her own father figure. (Which reminds me… I can't remember if the show has absolutely, 100% confirmed that Abbie's parents are both dead of completely natural, unsuspicious circumstances. If not, then I'm totally expecting them to show up again in S2.)

I wish I could upvote your comment a dozen times. This three-episode season/series wasn't bad, but it didn't quite feel good. Definitely too much fanservice. I'm usually one of those Tumblr women who loves winking in-jokes and values characterization far more than plot… but S3 swung way too far in that direction. I

I had been adamant about wanting Ichabod to keep the 18th century clothes, as rank as they might be by now.