Alan Izar

now THAT would've been interesting

Well, Supernatural still is their highest rated show, only Chuck knows why.

I guess I didn't explain myself pretty well. What I meant is that the second half of the seasons of each show will move towards Infinity Crisis, with the trigger itself being the finale (which is why I said they need to get their schedules right ) and the premieres next season dealing with the event and their fallouts.

If they play the scheduling cards right, it'll probably be the season finale of the four shows (series for Arrow, maybe, depending on if theCW wants to keep them beyond the syndication milestone)

He truly is. A friend's tag for all the LMM posts is "Actual genius Lin Manuel Miranda" because he truly is a genius.

It's not whether he'll get it or not, we all know he's gonna get it.


It was really badly done. The way they tried to sold it was as if the Dragonfly is such a boutique B&B people pay a lot of money to stay in, but it's so limited in size and that's the reason why it can't expand - or offer services that A-listers desire.

I thought Paris was pregnant, since she's missing her period and her hijinks seem to be, well, more amplified than usual.

Don't forget the P - He's already got the Pulitzer.


Which makes all of Logan's story awkward.

I think the requirement is to finish what you were supposed to do there. For visiting, they are alumni if they finished whatever they were visiting for?

Yes, and it was further driven home when Francie showed up afterwards. Because Francie grew up to what she wanted to be. A lot less than what Paris has achieved, but she is still in her element.

White people broke, or rather, not keeping up with her joneses.

I'm sure Liz Torres was recovering from whatever she had (someone in another forum mentioned gastric bypass) which is what denied us from awesome Miss Patti.

I mentioned somewhere else: it was ASP's pride what impeded her from watching season seven, and it shows.

Nah, she'd bought the Wickham house in Stars Hollow and commute.

I dunno. It's just that I will always associate Jess with grander-than-life living, or at least, escaping out of a small town living. So NYC works as well.

Yes, so much. Francie may not be deep, but she's real - she is the bully that picked on the smart girl and even though she didn't make it as well as Paris did career wise, whatever she accomplished is what she wanted, so yes, she is in better standing than her, which makes her more odious.