Alan Izar

Will there be individual reviews a la the other shows?

Or both

Nah, Littlefinger is for Sansa, and Sansa alone, to kill.

I'm sure Bronn will be the one who died, and Jaime is rescued because Tyrion asked Daenerys to spare him.

While we need an Arya/Gendry reunion, I don't think she's ready for it yet. She needs to find herself, and it's through little things like this that she will.

Since Wednesday seems to oppose the idea of Laura and Shadow seeing each other (he sees her on the rearview mirror when they are leaving the hotel and speeds away) I'd say it was compassion.

Is it Lass? =P

Well, the thing that got Peyton to work was told that she was not good at it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the teeth magically end up in Shadow's pocket and when they need them they'll show up, and Shadow will be all "UGH, GROSS"

oh, it is known. I mentioned below that I hope they get the OK, or some sort of parody loophole, but it is known it won't be easy.

I think the general consensus is that GA needs to play Media embodying Scully at some point.

Ellen Muth as a very, very foul mouthed and sarcastic Persephone

I'd say the beginning of the episode explained why Technical Boy can't just kill Mr. Wednesday. If he is a god (whoever he is), he can't die as long as he is not forgotten. Otherwise, he'll keep coming back. But the moment he truly is forgotten, he'll cease to be, just like the mammoth god did when those children

Yeah, like, I know this is a Fuller show, but the horse search seemed rather innocuous. For all we know his daughter had just started riidng lessons.

I just hope they can negotiate the rights for the appearance, unless they manage to pull the "parody" loophole.

If you can't get the blood of virgins sacrificed to the New Moon at midnight, storebought is fine

I can't wait for Shadow and the ravens to interact.

"A kiss with a fist is better than none" - Media to Technical Boy

I think that had Laura been as light as the feather she wouldn't have been able to push the scales down, and it would have been a surprise to her and an annoyance to him.