Alan Izar

Too on the nose?

It would be eerily unnerving if they get Ray Wise to play God.

Well, they could've said a guy looking like Tristan and Paris associating it with him as suggested below.

Marlotte. We know Charlotte died.

He was the catalyst for Paris' meltdown. I do agree that we didn't need to see him, just the girls commenting on it, but then people would have been like "why didn't you show him?"

I guess it's because this Stars Hollow felt better than Winter's, but I'd definitely would've swapped the grades.

It took me out that in the last scene he moves his hand anticipating it being grabbed, so it looks a bit rehearsed. =)

You said so yourself. The target ads were weaved in and stunk of product placement. The HBOats are so fourth wall breaking you just laugh at it.

I kinda hated the Hitchcock homages, especially the falling under a spiral one - it felt WAY too out there.

My bad, I thought you meant Provincetown

The moment I thought she was going to mention but it would've also made Emily explode was when, after their big fight in season 5, Richard went to the Dragonfly and was so impressed by it he immediately told Lorelai to think bigger and sell it. Sure, Lorelai saw it as becoming a sell out, but still, it was the first

That's because they went to Ptown specifically for that.

I'd see her as becoming the editor of a small newspaper. She showed the aptitude both in Chilton and Yale.

She disdains blogging.

First season, episode 12 or 13, Christopher Returns.


She's the one behind the whole thing - setting up the legalese on both sides, arranging the clients, even fertilizing the women. If she does any sales is to the powerhouse clients, not to the everyday people.


I think the moment that encapsulates how toxic their relationship was is when Richard defends Lorelai from Straub, only to tell her that he did it because of the honor of the family, and not because of who she is.

Here's the thing: Lorelai was right in running. Emily was at fault for not letting her get away - Lorelai knew she was tired, not thinking straight, and as childish as it was, she knew she was gonna blurt out something awful.