Alan Izar


I was hoping for Rafa to say "it was Jane, Jane figured it out" before Petra walked out of that room.

This episode was not a Petra episode - it was a Michael/Rafa episode, with Jane/Alba/Xo as the other main storyline. If any, this was just chess piece accomodation regarding to Petra.

I've been harboring this headcanon since the second episode she showed up in.

I also gave up on it last season, but I picked it up again.

Rose being Rafael's sister would mean that she and Luisa are blood related. I don't think we'll reach that #drama level.

I'm torn. On one hand, I love the idea of Petra as the Ice Queen again, since Groblas is a delight in the role.

You asked if they were regulars, not if they were going to leave.

I think what made the hair cut scene even cuter was the way Mon-El had his eyes crossed, as if he was REALLY AFRAID she was gonna burn him up.

Yup. Both Lima and Wood (Mon-El) show on the credits as regular, not as guest.

McGrath is using the "hearteyes motherfucker" meme as preparation for Lena's scenes with Kara.

I think he's a second son. He was not the heir to the throne, and that's why he was such a frat boy. It also explains why in the flash back the other guy is bossing him around - he's the first son and heir, but since they were brothers Mon-El didn't listen to him much.

pls print in bigger print

Michael is definitely gonna die before the show is over, but I dunno if it'll happen so soon. I'd say next season.

Alba owns the house, it has been mentioned several times.

Ewan McGregor!

I think they said she'll pop up again, but only like one or two more episodes.

It was due to the move. Flockhart does not film outside of LA.

Based on McGrath's delivery, Lena wants to fuck/date Kara.