Alan Izar

Wow. I really thought she was like, twenty something.

A lot of high school wrestlers would argue with you

Give him an iPad/touchscreen with having her walking in to ask him about it or something

Definitely during the november sweeps, so two?

Nah, Rumple has used them as well, and one or two secondary characters that show up every once in a while.

No idea. I mean, canonically dream catchers are used the same way as scrying ponds in other mythologies - people with magic can see events in them. But I can't recall what was its purpose in the episode (I thought they were talking decorations?)

And I don't think Eleanor has theā€¦ Patience? To deal with someone like Jason.

At this point I'm being reminded of that character from The West Wing, the kid played by Jesse Bradford.

The train leaving the good place (so the good train) is run by Janet.

I dunno the qualifications, but on top of that you pay a fee of 30k dollars.

I've said so before, and I'll say it again.

Yeah, I agree. The whole savior thing is being shoved up a bit much, and since it's not properly defined, here we are.

I got it =P

Please, do so. Kingdom Hearts is one of the best games ever, and it also has a great story which needs to be adapted for TV and honestly, OUAT is a good place to do so since I never see it becoming a show on its own.

Only prostitutes drink two glasses of wine at lunch!

He's Turkish Australian. Close enough.

They were mentioned but not used, so they will be used in the future. That to me is a Chekhov's gun, no matter how much they were explained.

The actor is Australian.

Here's the thing - the shears are a chekhov gun. They couldn't use them right now because it's too early in the season. Cometh December it'll be the only way to prevent Emma from dying and Hook will use them against her wishes. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I don't know. The show was her idea, and it was her deal with Fox that made it possible. We can say now that the show failed because of her range but that's part of the whole hindsight thing.