
Not to mention, the swarm of MCRN ships around Ganymede that could easily have taken the rest. Why the hell didn't they?

The "technology" isn't important. There are a million ways he could have killed the ambassador. Anyway "undetectable poison" isn't much of a stretch; there have always been such.

Not realistic at all. Most spies IRL never fire a shot, never have a car chase (except of course, in a hot war, like WWII). Read some memoirs by real spies.

Let me try again: I think the "believability" deficit is not a result of the acting, but that the world is unfamiliar. You have to try to immerse yourself in it. BSG, Star Trek, Star Wars — none of them had people who THOUGHT differently (well, maybe Spock) than people now or in familiar historic settings; it didn't

I know what you meant; I disagree with your contention that the acting and writing are inferior to BSG. It's doing something different. It depicts a plausible future, different in many ways; not a metaphorical version of present-day issues. We understand and empathise with the people in BSG, because they are, in all

Bobby was written as Polynesian in the book, 5 years ago.
North America isn't a whole lot closer to Mars than New Zealand.
Seems a bit odd to complain about Pacific islanders being cast and at the same time demand more "diversity". Diversity doesn't just mean hyphenated Americans.

BSG was very much about metaphors for current social and political issues, and most of the characters were contemporary in outlook (and thus, easier to empathise with). The Expanse is real SF: some characters seem quite alien to us; by design because they are products of a society different from ours. Plenty of them

Every season up to this one. Most egregiously, the Pakistan season. What a load of 24-ish crap that ended up as.

And Dar was on board for twisting O'Keefe's arm; not killing her. He's changed sides or is about to.

70 million Iranians had their country hijacked, that isn't "evened up" by holding a few diplomats for a year. Not one millionth of "even".

"Conservatives are rarely rabid kooks".
Well, Trump has had no problem staffing the West Wing with a good assortment of them.
"Crazy protesters": how about the Westboro Baptists?

A team of experienced FBI agents falling for a basic door booby trap is dumb. Redneck cops busting a meth lab would have been more cautious.

Probably he was thinking of Alex Jones.

An important point is that Dar Adal is clearly not now on the same page as O'Keefe. He was very disturbed to find out about the attempt to kill Quinn and now frame him. I think that his claims that he "loves Quinn" were actually sincere after all. And he doesn't know about the rogue mercenaries about to try to kill

We were talking about what it would take to stop him being elected; not impeached afterwards. Anyway; Bill was charged by a Congress controlled by the opposition looking for any reason to harass him; Trump has a Congress that is trying hard to cover up for him or look the other way (e.g., Nunes). If he continues to

"It would give Earth an edge on any planet-bound battles, but I’m guessing there are ways around this."
— Obviously, the powered armour they wear.

I've replied to this twice, and it's been deleted twice.

WTF? Who mentioned blow jobs or Iraq, and neither were issues in 2016. Trump was implicated in multiple scandals — Trump University, a dozen sexual assaults, Pussygate, income tax…. didn't matter, his fans don't believe anything that isn't on Fox News. One more scandal wouldn't have made a difference.

WTF? Blow jobs? Iraq War? What did either of those have to do with the 2016 election?
You said get Trump involved in a scandal and Clinton would have won. Trump was involved in multiple scandals; his constituents didn't care. They still don't care about the Russians, about nepotism, about him breaking all his promises.