
In a suit of armour.
He didn't have a thousand wights pulling him out with chains.
He should have crawled out naked if at all.

"Intelligent" in the TV context. The bar is very low.
Similar to, say good graphic novels, rather than comics.
If we rated the writing against good novels, hardly anything in TV registers.

The show was not always "brainless fun". It used to be "intelligent, carefully plotted high fantasy". That's why many are disappointed.

Geography has been part of the show from the very first moment. The opening of the show? The map of the world, showing you where everything is, and HOW FAR AWAY THEY ARE? Weeks on horse to go across the continent. Now Westeros is easier to get across than Manhattan.

GRRM thought it out. Now they've gone past his books, we revert to normal Hollywood logic. They've got the big audience, big budget, so now they're just doing fan service to keep the buzz. They are burning their credibility, they know it, but decided that going full comic book would maximise their ratings. It's

NO. It's not about trivial details that don't affect the story one way or the other. It's about important plot events that are just completely impossible IN THE WORLD OF THE SERIES. If you "could care less". Fine. Just enjoy it and don't go into discussions with people that do and contribute nothing but insults. The

Really, the US elected a president with basically the same game plan.

Whether Jon & co were dead or not was irrelevant to whether the dragons were going to show up.

So, your argument is "Wow ! Dragons vs zombies!!!! Who gives a crap if it makes sense!

The Night King could have just jumped in to the lake and touched the dragon, got on it and rode out of the lake. A lot easier than spending six months mining iron ore and forging thousands of feet of chains.

You mean those jerks complaining about complaining about plausibility?

The earlier seasons were based on the books, which GRRM had spent decades plotting. Now the TV writers are doing the plotting, and the Rule of Cool overrides anything else.

P probably didn't intend to kill the guy. Just thought that he'd let him get burnt good and he'd be in pain for months and scarred for life. There are better ways to murder inmates and get away clean.

Young Piscatella is very clearly very new to the prison, and probably new to the job. The other guards just would not let him indulge in torturing and murdering the prisoner as he did. If he'd been there a few years, covered for other guards in dodgy situations, they might back him. But not as it was.

Us straight males are fine gazing at the shower scenes.

In another story by Gaiman, Shadow meets an Old World Odin in Iceland.
McShane's Odin is very American.

It was never a secret. Wednesday .

Fine. My point was do not twist what I said into something stupid and then point out how stupid it is.

"I seriously doubt he goes around repeating it to anyone that listens." — Of course not. Which is why I SPECIFICALLY SAID HE DID NOT, FFS.