
Best case, no one is "happy". Stan has a big black mark on his career. Oleg will still be living in fear, never knowing if the CIA will contact him again. Worst case, both are charged and imprisoned. The AG is pissed in either case.

That too, but I did get the impression she was saying she did some bad things to stay alive in the camp — stealing? selling herself? In any case, morality had to take second place to survival.

The whole point of his mother's story was for him not to do that: "do what is necessary"; she's telling him going along with the Americans is better than being condemned as a traitor and getting a bullet in the head, or a life sentence in Siberia.

No, that's the Good Old Days, when America Was Great. It's what they want to go back to.

Pussygate WAS broadcast to the world, and they voted for him anyway.

Plenty of swords and muskets action. Season 2 ended at Culloden; the next season will flashback to that battle. Also hangings, stabbings, poisonings, burning at the stake, trampled by cattle, gored by boars, etc.

I didn't expect to like it but gave it a chance because of Moore. You don't have to be into beefcake to enjoy it, Caitriona Balfe gets her gear off pretty frequently too. But the story is pretty good, as you'd expect; and hopefully being based on books won't spiral down into the religious bullshit that brought BSG

Check out the Australian series "Danger 5". E.g., the 2nd episode "Lizard Soldiers Of The Third Reich".

The sequel to 11-22-63 should be 11-8-16.

"Peabody's Improbable History" on the "Rocky and his Friends" cartoon series, 1959-60.

If you count "Flash" as a time travel series, you must also include "Sleepy Hollow", which has been back and forth to the 18th C several times; not just in flashback but actual time travel.
I gave up on Flash after Barry told Reverse Flash to go back and kill his mother to reset history. Because it was how it was meant

President Bartlett was nothing like Bush. Having a president who is a parallel of the real one, especially one so extreme as Trump, would make it an extended SNL sketch. West Wing faced many of the same issues as the real White House, but did it with quite different methods and motives than Bush's. The contrast was

Why the hell would Dar meet with the RealTruth guy in full view of the whole sockpuppet pool? As Carrie said, it would break a dozen laws for him to be involved — which of course is why Max's video is such a big deal — but Dar would never be so stupid as to give anyone the opportunity. They'd meet, if at all,

So by the end, Raimy has at least 4 different lives — 80 years of memories, 4x20 years — in her head. Would be impossible to keep it straight..

Sturgeon's Law: 90% of EVERYTHING is crap. Originally in reference to SF books. For TV series, the percentage is rather higher.

" longing for those Soviet planes."

Just talking and getting information isn't illegal. Making deals and promises in opposition to the current govt policy would be, But she's president elect; not a candidate and only a private citizen, so even that would not necessarily be wrong. Trump's people are in shit not just for just having discussions, which no

She was a spy, not special forces. Obviously competent with a gun, but only uses a gun for real a few times in her career — and that only when she intersects with Homeland plots.

There's a prequel novella, "The Churn", that gives Amos' early life on earth. Worth reading. I suspect, like "Drive" that the show will soon be doing it as a flashback.

No way is she KGB. After Martha and Nina, the whole office and Stan in particular must be on high alert for such honeytraps. "Clarke"'s identity was busted in a few days once they started digging. Same as William's. Dept S cover identities are good, but can't stand a serious vetting.