
When you handle a gun are you under fire from an assassin? Your state of mind might be a little different.

I don't care who likes the show or doesn't. I just wonder why anyone who didn't watch it feels compelled to read the reviews for years after and interject announcements telling everyone how he doesn't watch it.

Actually, I was suspecting the police didn't kill the assassin not because of any conspiracy, but because being ordered to "shoot to kill", even by the (acting) President, in a domestic law enforcement action, is pretty unethical and maybe illegal.

"historically, the big fakeries"… was the Swiftboat campaign against John Kerry. I can't think of anything from the "left" comparable. (Unless by "left" you mean "Russian".)
And take your pick of all the bullshit about the Clintons last year. Pizzagate et. al.
Or back a few years, all the fake "evidence" about Iraq

What law would she have broken? It might be embarrassing, but not illegal. Maybe Dar arranged for the Infowars guy to get a video to smear her more.

When people pop into review threads to proclaim proudly they haven't watched the show for a year, you have to wonder: Why? Are they just trolls trying to get a rise?

That's what I said several days ago. Also, shouldn't need to be "chased down". It was remotely piloted to crash Eros. Seems like big plot hole to me; Johnson bewailing that he's lost his livelihood, when it's just flying around and could be brought back in a few weeks or months at most.
Could make up some excuse — e.g.

They "felt"? You keep explaining the plot to me: I know what the show said. I'm saying I don't believe that it would have worked, even if Eros hadn't moved. An impact with enough energy to send Eros into the Sun would more likely have smashed it. (And I think it dubious Nauvoo could have had enough kinetic energy

I never said it was. I know the plan was to smash into Eros. The problem is that is not that it would have destroyed Nauvoo, but that it would have shattered Eros and released the protomolecule all over the belt. As I said, docking with Eros and then using Nauvoo like tugboat would have been more sensible; but

There's a Steve Bannon on this show?

"Neutralized"… could that mean "no longer a risk and now in custody"? Seems an odd choice of jargon, if not meant to mislead.


Yeah… after the Reality-TV president took office, dramatic TV presidents al all look a lot more presidential. Even Selina Meyer has more gravitas and does the job more professionally. Chauncey Gardiner didn't know much, but he didn't claim to.

Nauvoo was on high gee burn? Is this from the book? A high-gee burn would destroy the habitat, which was set up for spin gravity. Most likely it would be designed for boosting at very low gee for a very long time. Even 1Gee would have wrecked it, the engines would be unlikely to be capable of boosting the megatonnes

Eros is in an elliptical orbit, to change its vector to fall into the sun would have required a big push against its orbital path. Nauvoo would have been shooting out initially at right angles to the sun. No mention of what happened to it though. I'll finish the book after this season and see what that says; have

Very much like "Game of Thrones" in that they have a world and a intricate story all laid out that they can refer to; unlike original series which can lose direction, get repetitive, or do "cool" stuff that contradicts previous stories or just peters out into a dead end.

Why not radar/lidar? It's not a stealth ship, would have a big reflective metallic surface.

The Mormon ship — why the hell didn't Fred send a ship to retrieve it? A huge starship can't have high acceleration, it should be easy to track and catch if you don't wait too long. It should all be still under remote control anyway and be looping back in a couple of weeks at most.