
No one is going to want to charge her with murder. White woman cop shoots white serial killer = win-win for ther department and everyone involved. "We all saw him go for his gun."

The defector the Eckerts are befriending is an agricultural specialist; Oleg will be investigating corruption in Soviet agriculture. There will surely be some connection

The flesh is to get a sample of the Lassa fever virus that killed William.

The body wasn't embalmed. I don't know why it has the "Do not burn" label on it, but if it was too dangerous to do that then draining the blood out and embalming would have just created more risk. Anyway, embalming is a cosmetic thing so you can see the body in an open casket. Absolutely the opposite of this.

The reviewer seems to think Ganymede was attacked my aliens. My bet is more of Mao's black ops, like the stealth ships, trying to provoke a war. Aside from his long-planned ambitions, it might shake the UN up enough to get them off his back, even make a deal with him for the tech he was to fight Mars.

Epstein was 137 years before the "present", the protomolecule arrived millions of years ago. Anyway, we've been beaming radio out since the 20th C, that will alert anyone looking long before any much, much slower spaceship can get to the nearest star. The story point I think was in the episode title: a new

Yeah, no need to actually bomb anyone, they could have just made shit up like Bush and Cheney and sent the troops in to look for WMDs that never existed.

The "highly trained deep spook" is pretty sloppy, wandering around the house after killing Conlin, leaving fingerprints everywhere — never heard of gloves? And renting the car through a company — give me a break. Evil Corp looks like it has plenty of cash, so why is all their fieldwork being done by this one guy?

I thought he was meant to be a Brit who faked the accent when he went on air "in character".

"news reporters quickly descend on Carrie’s house, since she allegedly
“represented” Sekou during his proceedings. That would never, ever
happen because there’s no way for a non-licensed person to be listed"
The reporter that Quinn grabbed told him that they were there after a tip off to the studio giving them all that

Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson "Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks."

More importantly, what happens to Smith when the Nazis find out the Pons don't really have H Bombs. But they do have old fashioned A-bombs at least, so they could do some pretty horrific retaliation.

We don't know anything about Smith in WWII, except that he served in the military. Maybe he had been an active fascist.

Maybe he was escaping President Lindbergh's USA, or Buzz Windrip's.

I started "Leviathan a few weeks ago; Season 1 took it to about chapter 35 so I stopped there and will continue after the season is done. It filled in some things I'd missed on the show; so far noticed little divergence except did not have any scenes on Earth in the book so far.

I'm watching a nice 720p rip and it's far and away the best space CGI I've seen on TV. The attention to detail makes it all the more realistic — except the sound effects.

Instead of crashing it into Eros, they could bring it up close then spin around and melt it to slag with the fusion drive. Should be powerful enough to sterilise the asteroid.

"to ram Eros into a sun" — "the" sun.

Dah …. dah-dah-dum! American Reich!