
How anyone could think that blowing yourself up in a truck in a random street is a terrorist act — though they could play it as he was going to plant it at Trump Tower and mistimed it.

"against the Jewish plight. They're insane" — You didn't hear the Mossad guy's bit about "best case — Iran gets a bomb in ten years and we go up in a flash of light"? Wasn't played as "insane" at all. Extreme, yes. Saul's sister though is like Sekou; having real grievances put pushing back so hard is just creating

"a terrorist attack on domestic soil" - It was an explosion, with the purpose of killing Sekou and throwing shade on him. It just blew up in the street at a random time and place; maybe a dozen or some people killed, if that. No landmarks or important people targeted. It was a murder with collateral damage, likely

I doubt that the kidnappers will really be Semites, that will be the cover. Though maybe Smith has unexpected contacts and sympathies with Jews and he turns out to be a Snape-like figure?

There are some very grey areas. It's hard not to feel sympathy for Inspector Kido, brutal and murderous when required, but not gratuitously so, just trying to keep the peace in his eyes. Same for Smith; first appears as a goosestepping Nazi, but then we have his son's storyline. Not to mention, killing Heydrich when

"straight-laced character" -> " strait-laced character"
pulling laces tight, as on a corset = straitening.

John is an army doctor. He just cuddles Mary, never tries to call for ambulance. Why does Mary jump in front of Sherlock instead of pushing him aside? Why is Sherlock stunned and just standing there?
Everyone is just doing dumb things to maximise pulling on heartstrings.
Why would the AGRA group make unencrypted thumb

They must wrap up the Nightingale this season. I assume they must have some idea how it could continue if it was renewed. We have one other case that is affecting both Raimy and Frank: the corrupt Asian cop who tried to get Frank killed. I guess he's going to be occasionally threatening this season but then become

Also, a plan for how to blow up the Capitol? The diagram seemed to show about 20 separate charges. That would no doubt have been efficient, but every separate charge would increase the risk of detection. Two for redundancy, more than three is foolish. And one to be found to point to the jihadis.

Though the diagram from the microfilm we saw briefly in Season 1 was of a fusion reaction, I suspect the "Heisenberg device" will also have something to do with the alternate worldlines.

When the NSA guy took refuge in the embassy Kirkman asks how this could happen. He never heard of extra-territoritality? Never heard of Assange crashing at the London Ecuadorian Embassy? Obviously it was a cue for exposition, but it really made him look dumb.

And why the hell is their Deep Throat giving them cryptic clues. like the Riddler on Batman? Why wouldn't she just say: MacLeish is a war criminal, he murdered a hundred Afghans after his "heroic" rescue action.

That was obviously what it was supposed to look like to the bad guys; I had hoped that Jason had prepped his son so if he was taken they could use such an exchange as a code. Similarly to how he asked Hannah to check out a case that really was a hint as to what had happened to him. A bit unlikely in real life, I know,

They videoed it in case it became an issue — "his body was defiled", "he's still alive", etc.

Surely the kid has his own dedicated team of agents, not the same guy who also guards the president?

If Jason had a wire, or was recording on a phone, he would have proof of what she told him. But he had to read it and hand it back; he has no proof except his own word.
Plenty of other holes, but that actually does make some sense.
(How the hell was Jason supposed to have 1) got thallium to begin with 2) put it in the

I downloaded a bunch of episodes of "Miami Vice" and "Minder". Both shows I watched and enjoyed back in high school. They still hold up. On "Vice" there are so many actors who later made it big who turn up (usually) as bad guys. It's quite fun to suddenly spot a very young Giancarlo Esposito as a thug.

I'm not a Doctor Who freak, but I occasionally download an early series and watch it, 50 years since I did see (and mostly still remember) them when I was in primary school. It's a very unusual show that can appeal to the hugely wide demographic that it does.

I can forgive everything except the finale.
Let's just all wander off into the veldt and become hunter gatherers. 98% of them must die within a year, having none of the skills necessary to live such a life. Forget everything we've learned. Guarantee for the few survivors that "this has happened before" will happen