
Listen to the Breaking Bad Insider Podcast before rewatching (never before the first watch) and you get so much insight into the writing, casting, special effects, music….they put immense effort in every line and frame, and it shows and rewards a close rewatching.
They can get pretty long thougfh, many well over 1

They told us "Everything happens for a reason." But the writers never worked out what that was, and in the end, just let everyone die and got to heaven. I know fans have worked out complex mythologies that explain everything, that doesn't count.

So everybody in Mexico knows the blood camo trick and can stroll through a walker horde without any problem Except the supermarket gang, who have the high ground, automatic weapons, months of experience, and still get bitten. They had to do it off screen though, so we wouldn't wonder how the hell they all got so dumb

This is not imaginary, like the nutjobs who insisted Obama was going to institute Shariya law or hand the US over to the UN, or …. this is something TRUMP'S SPOKESMAN IS ACTUALLY SAYING THEY COULD DO. But fortunately, Trump will disavow anything he says if it's inconvenient.

Just who is advocating allowing muslims to commit murder in the USA? I missed that somehow. Every religion has psychos who use it to justify heinous crimes, even genocide. You could spend all day listing murders done in the name of Christ, the King of Peace. So should Christians be interned? Your logic would suggest

See: "Designated Survivor". You have to get rid of a couple hundred in the line of succession before you get to someone worth the title.

Hate crimes are up already. But no mass shootings, so far.

A few years ago, "saving the president from an assassin" was an unquestioned good. These days, there are a lot of people who would say "Do it!" if the current (for some) or the next (for others) president were in the gun sights.

Or why millions of Martians didn't colonise Earth thousands of years ago, since they're all superpowered and can all fly through space.

The DEO keep Mon-El under close observation, won't let him go free till they've "assessed his powers". Meanwhile there are dozens, maybe hundreds, of undocumented aliens with unknown powers (and in this universe, all aliens have "powers", most are shape shifters at least, or are just a facial appliance away from

Not that logic has much to do with it, but as the red and white (and green?) Martians are all Martians, look pretty similar except for colour and have the same powers, then they're obviously races, or at most subspecies. Like human races. The point being that the differences, aside from the cosmetic, are cultural, not

If she hadn't been a star, I would have expected him to put a bullet in the back of her head when they were walking in the park.

Yeah. Instead of building a bomb shelter, then murdering everyone who built it, then hoping that it's strong enough to protect him, but not strong enough to leave any obvious evidence; why not just arrange an accident/food poisoning, etc., for himself that prevents him being there? It seems amazing that absolutely

There are no bad episodes of The Americans.

No. It's a stupid excuse for laziness. There is no choice "none of the above". If you choice is between two cunts, you choose the lesser cunt. Not voting lets the person who cares the most make the choice for you, and in this election, that may well be the person who hates the most.

Spent 5 minutes trying to find /play this video. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?

More like Viserys Targaryen I think. Deluded that he is loved and respected by the people, thinks the Iron Throne (White House) is his by right, treats his sister (daughter/wife) as a sex object to be exploited to advance his pursuit of power.

That would be ungrammatical, but at least it vaguely makes sense.

Well, as long as the Aliens aren't Muslims or Mexican, no problem.

Mon-El might have a beef with Krypton, over more recent history.
Krypton breaking up also destroyed Daxam. Well, I'm not sure of the backstory in this series, but last movie I saw had Krypton blowing up as a result of their extracting some kind of energy from its core. So I think Daxamites might be legitimately