
In an episode all about racism, it was pretty funny that Snapper calls out Jimmy as being "a pale carbon copy of Cat". They must have had a hard time keeping a straight face for that scene.

"you can't spend one episode establishing a bunch of rules and then literally in the next episode, undoing all of them"
Have you ever read a comic book? Literally earth shattering events can occur, two issues/episodes later, you'd never know it.

It was about 20 years before; the changes have had plenty of time to ripple all around the world. All that needs to affect the baby's gender is the moment of conception to one a second later, say, so a different sperm gets lucky. With the emphasis on "lucky".

I saw the animated "Flashpoint" and it was bananas. Saving Barry;s mother resulted n Aquaman's Atlantis going to war on the rest of the world? A whole lot of heroes became evil? There wasn't a bit of logic as to why, it was just "fuck with history, God will punish you". At least this "Flashpoint" world was fairly

It seems Barry just replaces the Barry in each new timeline (at least when they're about the same age). So he's erased a couple of versions of himself in the last few episodes.

"Raimy’s veracity to catch Goff"?
Veracity = truthfulness. I guess you meant something like "avidity".

The time rules here are just magical; just whatever makes the story have more dramatic effect. If history changed, Raimy should not have bruises, should have no memory at all of seeing Goff but she does; why doesn't anyone else notice when the timeiine changes? Answer: because she's the star of the TV show and our

Yep, agree with most of that. Wally is injured, Joe is a drunk, so screw this world, kill Barry's mother (and later, father), and all will be "as intended".
The morality and logic are the level of a Trump speech.

Yeah, right, as part of the civil war. That's how serious it is, and Kirkman correctly charged the governor with treason for what he did. I can imagine an officer resigning his commission, but acting actively against the commander in chief? How can he imagine he can get away with that?

People got bit in the reception, went to hide out in their rooms before they turned.

This whole deal about water is really stupid. Two shopping trolleys, or 20, full of water jugs would not last the settlement a day. They need a well, and I'd think that just about any long established area would have several, maybe covered over after town water was piped in, but if they really don't have any water

What kind of troll is it who posts deep into a comment thread on a show he claims not to have watched for 2 years?

It's more that now she's married, she can feel secure enough that she doesn't have to shy away from Joe for fear of getting sucked in again.

Since they only seem to be able to talk to each other via the magical connection, I don't think the FCC will notice.

Yeah, bravo. I never expected it to get a second season, let alone a fourth.

It's "The Americans" in the 1770s instead of 1980s. Well, not quite as good. But still worth the time.

Why is Kirkman being put on the spot for not killing Nassar within a week? It took 10 fucking YEARS to catch Bin Laden. And why was the only option anyone considered bombing? They could have done that with Bin Laden, but took the bigger risk of sending in SEALs so as to 1) be sure they got him and 2) collect

Or even worse, while in costume calling each other "Clark" and "Kara". Is everyone at the DEO cleared to know their civilian identities? Surely Kara would naturally call him "Kal-El" anyway?

OF COURSE the numbers have grown since then, with migration from Commonwealth countries after WWII. The question is does what we see on screen reflect the modern population, not what it was 400 years ago?
Where do you get the 2-3% figure for the 16th century?
The only number I can find (after a brief search) is