
Donald Trump has been suspiciously absent so far. No doubt establishing an alibi.

Looking at the number of bodies, 3000 dead on 9/11, and 1000 stated for SOTU. Or is there some weighting of politicians' lives being worth more?

Didn't you watch Ironman 3? Well, you didn't miss much, but the British luvvie the "real" bad guy hired to be the terrorist figurehead was pretty funny.

Yep, and as Keifer says, it's nuts to hack the White House to deliver a video. It should confirm that it is an inside job, no terrorist group or foreign power would waste such an incredible weapon that could have
been used to siphon information out, or bring the system down at the
time of a real world attack.

So, voting for Trump, then? Build a wall.

"This content is not available in your location".

It's the "rules" that annoyed me. The shit world that resulted from saving JFK — world wide cataclysm and earthquakes? Why? God/Fate/FSM is angry at being thwarted? I could have believed that JFK living would not make a paradise, but "time fights back" made it just supernatural. It is Stephen King, so foolish to

"Science fiction doesn't need to contain phenomena that could plausibly exist." What you thinking of is "fantasy". The whole point of SF is that it should be plausible. But I realise that "plausible" has a very low bar when it comes to TV and movie "SF".

Enjoyed the film, though the dumb "chop hand off in past and then it disappears 20 years later" bit was purely magical logic.
I saw a poster for this with the WTC in the background, common shorthand for "NY in the past" now, used to great effect in the pilot of another cop/time travel show, "Life on Mars". Since the

I think that line was a reaction to people complaining how the BBC in its historic shows often made London more racially diverse in the past than it actually was. Relatedly; every time a Doctor comes to regenerate, there is a push to have a black (or female) Doctor (same for James Bond). No reason a Gallifreyan

When the Doctor and Rose in a miniskirt met Queen Victoria, her guard demanded: "You will explain your presence and the nakedness of this girl."
Actually it was more that people in some eras were covered up a lot more than they should have been.

Against Martin Freeman? Sorry.

I can't help but notice that no one is wearing even a dust mask at the bomb site. After 9/11 there was a lot of toxic dust and smoke that caused medical problems with survivors and responders. But aside from some decorative wisps of smoke, it's all fresh air.

But on the other hand, in this universe, there is no Obama. The former and current pres are both white males. No Hillary or Trump either, thank God.

Who needs to use a website? There are plenty of apps you can use, Firefox plugins.

Highlights the fact that this idea that "Patenting the DNA means you own the thing that has it, even if that thing is a human being" — is completely stupid, no matter how much money you have for lawyers. Doesn't even work for corn, Monsanto doesn't own the corn that a farmer grows with Monsanto seeds. With clones,

And she got stabbed in the brain, lost an eye.

But Joe really can inspire real things to happen. The Giant, and MacMillan Utilities are real, successful, things. And nudging Ryan to work on Arpanet can only be leading to him taking the Al Gore mantle — Gore knew nothing about the technology, really, but he did "enable" it by funding. Perhaps Joe will do it more

I thought he went sour when she talked about how happy she was to have got away from her spouse, but that is something Boz isn't all happy about being reminded of, let alone being expected to celebrate.

He's a chameleon. He becomes (or assumes the role at least) of whatever will advance him. But only to a point: he eventually blows up and walks away in a dramatic and destructive way. He did it with IBM, with Cardiff, with Westgroup.