
I had to update my phone because my family uses WhatsApp, and they dropped support for older Androids and helpfully remotely disable any out of date clients. Fortunately I got my wife's hand-me-down, to replace the previous old one she gave me. And I also salvaged my daughter's iPhone 4, which she had said was

The engine and the power was off because of the zombie bits jamming up the coolant system. They couldn't move any closer. It was just luck the island was in sight.

Maybe you could read my comment and you'd know the answers to the questions you asked.

People who worry about overpopulation do not want to "limit numbers (always of those other people over there)". You will find that they have none or at most one child themselves. We had one child and decided that was enough.

I was talking about the story it was based on. Judge had a different take. But the prologue of the film is all about genetics, you can't change that by education. He may not have explicitly made a case for eugenics, but he doesn't present any other solution. The epilogue again shows that the stupid will keep

It's pretty much inspired by "The Marching Morons" by CM Kornbluth, a much darker story written in 1951. — SPOILER — in that the "morons" are induced to emigrate to Venus, on rocketships that just go up and explode, leaving the tiny number of intelligent people to repopulate.
Google the title and you can find a copy

Hillary is a politician. Trump is a reality TV star incapable of putting a coherent paragraph together. Just give him a machine gun to wave around and he would have been right at home in Idiocracy.

It's already better. I watched every episode of Lost and was absorbed at the time, but in retrospect it was a waste of time. Mr Robot is actually about something, not just a dreamlike series of events that you wake up from, shake your head and forget. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 = 0

He did outline how he would encrypt all the chats, so he's not just finding holes . Cameron thinks he's a brilliant coder, so we should assume she knows. And I assume he will create Joe's "new income stream" in a later episode (I just watched this one, I'm a bit behind).

He tried to tell Cameron about making the chat on Mutiny secure, because it was so easily hackable. Cameron shut him down, because she was hacking it to spy on users' conversations, possibly creating the backdoor deliberately. Recall she was busted when the guy she was going to buy the modem from asked her how she

Or John McAfee. Joe has similarities to both, but isn't follwing either's career.

Well, "SwapMeet" is doing eBay. Is that big enough?
Too early for Youtube, recall the meeting they are discussing how to more efficiently send screen animations, 1/1000 the size of video streams. The networks and computers of the time couldn't handle video. And there is no Internet, it's all BBS you have to subscribe

They must have worked out what attracts walkers : noise for one thing. So set up a pitfall and make some barriers to channel them , then start beating a drum and they'll all just walk like lemmings into the pit. Then burn them. Same as the idiots on TWD should have done with the quarry full of walkers.

"Oncomice" were explained by every second poster below here, three months ago. Every one of you thought they were so uniquely smart they didn't bother to check before sharing their insight.

Penguin keeping the head of his step mother on a pedestal — it must have an unholy stink, be full of maggots and worms by now. Put it in a flask with some formaldehyde.

I've just given up on Arrow. May give Flash a bit longer. But both are just too stupid for words now as they incorporate more comic elements and follow the comic book rule that no one really dies except nameless redshirts.

"It’s a good thing Peabody isn’t too suspicious, otherwise Fox would have been captured way earlier."
Obviously Strange knew what they, including Gordon, were up to from the start. He just chose his moment to grab them.

"Gordon locked up for the murder of Galavan" — no, he was convicted of killing the cop after being framed by Nigma.

Azrael easily kills a dozen armed cops with a single blow, when he gets to Jim, of course, just picks him up and throws him around and lets him escape. Why would Azrael follow Barnes up to the roof instead of Gordon?

She never thought to have a manicure, be better than clawing up her furniture, not to mention putting her own eye out if she's not careful. I clip our cat's claws every couple of weeks, actually they have to be done as they keep growing if not worn down and can curve around and back into the footpads. I think the