
Name a comic book show where that doesn't happen. It's the major reason I pretty much gave up reading comics 40 years ago — endless recycling of villains and heroes, no one stays dead, nothing has consequences. Reboot and restart. And now as these shows get 2 or 3 seasons in, they're all doing it. And I'm wondering

She suicided just to get rid of a character the show had no further need for. Also why didn't Gordon or Alfred just shoot Freeze in his exposed head, instead of his armoured body? Both of them are good enough shots to handle that easily — and the exposed head was pretty stupid too, obviously designed to allow the

Well, reanimating Galavan allows the show to take the "murderer" stink off Gordon.

The technology level in Gotham is ambiguous, a bit like Archer. But for instance, they don't seem to have Internet, Oswald's step-brother had to got to a library to look up old newspapers to find out about Penguin. Instead of just Googling him on his iPhone.
And that the recording was an actual "tape" and not a

Not to mention, just walking out in the open in the woods. Nygma could have just shot him, had no reason not to since the other cops were still hidden.

Well, seeing how he was frothing at the mouth … but given how easy it is to get away with murder in Gotham, you're probably right.

Oswald is actually Elijah's son, the only blood relative, could easily prove it by a blood test. He's due a large share of the estate unless specifically written out , and even then could challenge the will. Would take a long time in court in the real world, but they did Gordon's murder trial and conviction in 10

Yeah, the poison they used was pretty noxious, would surely be found in any autopsy. I suppose they will try to frame Penguin for it.

So how does Bullock not suspect Nigma? He knows the phone number and address were on the report, and he knows the report now says otherwise. So he knows it was changed, and only an insider who knows about forensic reports could have changed it.

The point is I think that only a few angels know about the power that Genesis gives. If that got out, many on both sides would want to use it as a weapon. Fiore and Deblanc seem pretty guileless and sincere in their aim of just locking it up again.

Yeah, obviously the "official angels" know the Genesis is loose, but appsrently not about the power it gives.

Would a strip club be less offensive with a less sizeist sign?
Anyway, I took it as advertising they do have fat girls, for those who prefer them.

It was hard to recognise her, she looks so different in the Irish series Love/Hate. For one thing, she looks a lot more weatherbeaten in this, which of course is how Tulip should look.

The world is full of people who murder and commit any kind of vile abuse while remaining sure they are doing God's Work. Random examples: ISIS, Westboro Baptists, Salem Witch Trials, Crusaders. Jesse's "Wording" him removed any self doubt and made him even less likely to compromise. If you're on God's side, then you

Bullock knows what he saw, so he knows the report was switched, and there are very few people who could have done that. Maybe only Nygma. Bullock should have worked that out the next day. Once that penny dropped, and he told Gordon, they'd work out it was related to the missing Kringle. Also if Bullock's testimony

Maybe the church was built by Catholics, who moved on and it was taken over by whatever sect Jesse is, keeping the name. They seem very non-hierarchical, since he seems not to answer to anyone at all, that he is the "Preacher" simply because his father was, that he went away for apparently years and then just returned

And though Rubicon was only supposed to control NATO missiles, it somehow was able to launch a Russian one.

A rioting crown just all calms down and listens to the guy on top of a cab shouting at them. And a live TV news team is right there to broadcast it to everyone else.

Better to just ask John to put a bullet through his head.

Darkh had been powered up from the death energy of the town that was nuked. Then the crowd of people whose hope had been roused by Oliver's speech cancelled it out, somehow. He couldn't use his powers to fight Oliver. But he was still able to monitor the hacker and kill him remotely using those same powers he