
And she wore that extremely distinctive and impractical jacket during their break-in too.

He's got a pill that can instantly make anyone do and believe whatever he says. He got Thea to try to kill Oliver, he can make Felicity hack Rubicon.

Panamanian bank account.

So, no comment on how Darkh built his Ark under a city with no one noticing? Years of work, excavating cubic miles of earth, thousands of workmen going in and out every day, thousands of truckloads of construction material going in. All though tiny access tunnels hidden in basements, street corners. All apparently

Curtis is back. Making it nonsense Felicity didn't just call him the previous ep to bring them the chip from HIS LAB instead of breaking in and trying to steal it.

Darkh is now powered up and has a mind control drug. He can just fly (by himself, if he can levitate stuff he can fly) to the White House, give Obama a pill, tell him to break out the football, nuke a few cities to give him super-dooper power, and then manufacture more mind drug, take over the whole world. No need to

Its not the aim of MAD to destroy all life in the world a la Doctor Strangelove. 70 nukes is enough to destroy all the major cities in any opponent's country. That's a real deterrent. Really, even one nuke in the capital city is a very potent threat, that's why North Korea is a real concern. One lousy bomb smuggled

The philosophical implications of this made me feel queasy. For the whole world to go to shit as a result of saving JFK, meaning he has to undo it all, is just saying that this is the best of all possible worlds, that we should never try to do anything, that if bad things happen it's What Is Supposed To Happen. It…
I don't care about a black girl putting on the suit. I do wonder if they're seriously going to call her "Iron MAN"? All the articles keep saying that, none discuss the obvious problem for those of us who speak English. I'm not saying she has to be Iron Person or Iron Girl, let them think

"Below the 50th percentile" doesn't mean you're a moron, it actually means your IQ is exactly average: 100.

Broadcast news isn't supposed to value charisma and looks? That has never, ever been true. if you are just smart, you might be a guest, but never a presenter or newsreader.

Oliver is so worried about Evelyn killing Ruve and becoming a murderer.
But nobody at all cares that she just murdered two guards — shot them
in the chest with a gun — on the way into the ballroom. No names, no
guilt. Same as the two guys in the front of Ruve's limo when Diggle just
shot them dead. No names, no

Pretty illogical. If Clinton can't be called President because he isn't any more, how could he, no longer a governor, be called Governor? Anyway, in practice, he IS called President, as are the others.

"By throwing in a bunch of morons in these key positions…. weakens the message immensly."

Unexpected only if you have never edited Wikipedia. I did for a few years till I realised that 99% of my interactions there were arguing with assholes about trivialities. Not to say that 99% are assholes, but those who are work hard at using bureaucratic procedures to exert control and punish anyone who contradicts

The article is about sitcoms. Hannibal had black humour, but a sitcom it wasn't.

Why the hell did Wun Wun go into battle barehanded? If he had a decent club (a treetrunk if nothing else) he could have destroyed the Bolton shieldwall single handed, instead he was limited to grabbing and choking one guy at a time, while being kept at bay by their long spears. And just imagine what he could have done

They reproduce the same way gay aristocrats reproduce: they grit their teeth, do the deed the minimal amount to produce an heir. Can be pretty dangerous to be the royal consort though. You may be dispensed with after you've served your purpose.

No way, Arya is the Daryl Dixon of this series. She'll probably end up Queen of Westeros.