
She gave birth, so she's not not barren. I think the "monster" was due to magic or a curse rather than genetics anyway.

In the same way that it's hilarious that Sunnis and Shiites or Catholics and Protestants have gone to war so many times. And the Saxons and Vikings and Normans didn't "migrate", they invaded.

Your analogies fail here. This isn't like "Big Bang Theory" where no matter how nonsensical the physics that might be mentioned, (or correct, if it happens to be), it doesn't matter to the story. Here, the software design is exactly what the story is about. The conflicts are all about a poor user interface, and that

Kent's "correction of Ben over the formation of the Diaoyu islands is delightfully Kent" actually isn't, since it was completely factually wrong. The Diaoyus aren't the reefs and sandbanks in the South China Sea that China has been reclaiming and occupying, it's a Japanese occupied island that is quite natural and

He'd only need a few thousand to pay the barkeepers, et al. Those were the debts that made him look like an asshole. Paying the caterers a few weeks late isn't newsworthy.

Not to mention the expensive pyrex dish.

Pregnancy? Contraceptive pills were available, but not legally everywhere and required a prescription. And abortions, same story or worse.

No way he would want his son having anything to do with KGB agents First thing he'd do is send him away.

One weird thing I noticed in the episode: in the first few minutes when Elizabeth comes into Paige's room with the laundry, we cross to Paige reading a book. I couldn't read the title and it was on the back, not the front of the book. I rewound and zoomed it, thinking that maybe it was Russian, Paige trying to learn

Yeah, Oleg is up to something. He wouldn't go back to Russia to be with his parents; he wanted to get as far from them as he could. And I can see him getting involved with Mischa's quest to meet his dad. Maybe Oleg was the "powerful friend" that got him out of the asylum.

Same as William and Clark's identities were most likely, taken from Americans who died young.

If he did save JFK, his (our) present would no longer exist. Recall the 1st episode when he marked the tree and it was still marked when he came back. Saving JFK would change the world beyond recognition. I'm pretty sure they will wuss out and not save JFK though. The magical "Time pushes back" idea implies that.

Usually when people talk about "compromise", they mean that YOU must compromise your principles and do what they want.

Gaad running through the door was uncharacteristically dumb. There was nowhere to go. Just a balcony, much too high to jump. He should have just seen what they wanted, since if they were just going to kill him they would have dome that immediately.

"a tape that accuses you of being a Soviet sleeper agent"
They're not "sleepers". Sleepers live as a native and do nothing untoward for decades until they are in a position to have useful access. The Jennings have been active agents, "illegals" from Day 1.

Can't say you're wrong. If it was possible to destroy all the universes with a single bomb, some lunatic would have done it. But that they haven't shows that the idea that Earth Prime/1 is "the centre" is false. As the universe we live in has no centre in 3 dimensions, the parallel worlds would also have no "centre".

Plenty of treasures and mysteries you could spin in a WWII based story. Or be a bit more daring, Vietnam, and it could be his dad personally involved. CIA, drugs, lost nukes, Ho Chi Minh, Chairman Mao, etc, etc. If I can come up with that in 5 minutes, I suspect that lack of a credible story is not the major issue.

Don't try to think logically about it. The writers don't.

A million other holes in the story, but that one is covered. Zoom said Barry's Earth-1 was the "center" of the multiverse, and that's why his bomb had to be set off there, to destroy all the others.

Presumably there is a record of where and when the helmet came from.