
"Yeah, that whole "kill him in three different times… at the same time"
thing, despite being ripped directly from TNG's All Good Things, just
made zero logical sense."

I'd decided if they didn't wrap up the Savage storyline I'd abandon the show. It'll probably still be pretty stupid, but I'll give it another chance. It's a bonus the hawks are gone. And according to rumour, Snart may be back

He's a big star now, but Craig did plenty of TV series and TV movies before he did Bond.
As did Roger Moore, actually.

"We can't use gamma rays; but we can use high energy X-rays".
Which are gamma rays.

I don't know HOW she's going to pressure him, but I'm pretty sure it's not going to be "Give me the Level 4 code or I rat you out to your wife". Elizabeth will ask for something that isn't obviously about secure access; something that seems innocuous. She's spent 7 or 8 months building up to this. And they don't want

Elizabeth can pressure him to do things like getting someone a job at the lab. It wouldn't be anything so obvious as "smuggle out the lassa virus or else".

The episode scored on spectacle and snappy one liners, and as usual, high on stupidity and internal inconsistency. All it took to blow up the Oculus was to hold a switch down for 2 minutes. Ray couldnt jam a bit of metal in? And I was sure that at the end Snart would freeze Mick's hand in place and snap it off, to be

After they recaptured Savage, Carter has his memory, why doesn't
Kendra get her golden club and splatter his skull? Martin might the be
only person on the ship who would demur. Rip could show the evidence to the Time Masters after if he still wanted to face them (of course, he would then have been arrested, anyway).

If Barry didn't want to do the transformation, why didn't, say, Harry decide to try it? There have been, and will be, so many "speedsters" in this world it's not something unique to him. Eobard/Wells could be a speedster, why not Harry? Or anyone who sat in the chair, got injected/zapped/shocked? They could all take

I was entranced her her change of costume from scene to scene. She must keep a wardrobe at STAR Labs. Or her meta power is creating clothes by twitching her nose.

I really don't get how Zoom "takes over a city" let alone a planet, by his ability to murder anyone.
Okay, everyone is frightened of him. But he's not in the Oval Office or on a throne.

They were really useful — Snart and Rory used them to hit the guards.
150 years in the future, and soldiers are reverting to cavemen punching each other. No one fires a shot. No grenades. No laser guns.
This was like the scene in 2001, when the apemen learn to use bone clubs.

Yeah, I just finished the book and what Ye Wenjie did isn't revealed until 20 chapters in. Very glad I didn't read this before.

The Pilgrim is supposed to kill her victims with precision. So she marches into a police station, not bothering with any disguise, fights and possibly kills a dozen cops using futuristic weapons, yet misses her target. Doing immense damage to the timeline, in the process.

Because he would then have to explain the disembowelling, why she wasn't at a hospital and why it wasn't reported to the police.

I would have thought Frank's outburst would make the insanity/reduced capacity plea stronger. He certainly looked out of control, which was what both Foggy and Matt were arguing. I thought Matt had provoked him to do that deliberately. If Frank had been rational then he was simply guilty of 37 murders with no

And why wouldn't he tell Cisco that he had a way to travel to other Earths? Isn't that exactly what he's trying to do?

Cut his Achilles tendons. Then kneecap him.

Of course it's possible in-universe for a Timelord to be any colour or gender, the question is who the BBC thinks would be best as the star of a flagship TV show. Since white British males have worked the last 11 or 12 times, I wouldn't bet otherwise.

What's inevitable is the speculation about how the next Doctor is going to be black/American/Chinese/female/gay/disabled/old/young … and then months of fantasy "casting" and heated fan advocacy. In the end, it will be a white British male. Most out of the norm you can hope for is a redhead.