
OK, that makes more sense. But I didn't even think of that as a cliffhanger. Having his partner get impaled and apparently dead was a cliffhanger, this was just "Someone wants to talk to Miller".

What cliffhanger? Nagata kept telling everyone he had done something evil 10 years ago, then we have the flashback to the same time. It was pretty obvious something terrible was going to happen to the miners and that he would be responsible.

Why isn't this tagged "The Expanse"?
I go to the tag page…
see there's no review, sigh and and then Google for some elsewhere, and this page comes up?

Just rewatched. They bump into each other, they never speak, she runs off. The end.
But not a shattering spoiler, don't worry about it.

I understand that's what he probably meant. It isn't what the sentence says though.

Maybe you could read Orwell then you might not feel left out.

It is worth watching. Very different in tone from S1 though. Since it doesn't have any connection in characters or plot to S1, you won't have your memory of that spoiled —it's not like The Matrix or Highlander.
We'll always have Rust Cohle.

"Derivative as its plot may be, it’s not based on anything."
WTF?? That's a self contradiction of Orwellian doublethink scale.

Tagomi didn't offer Juliana a job, so I guess that happens in the next episode. Thanks for the spoiler.

When the fake Swede was looking at the film, it showed diagrams of nuclear fission and fusion. Presumably the H Bomb hasn't yet been invented in this world (was tested in 1952 in ours). So either he wants to give the secret to the Japs, or maybe warn them that the Nazis are building them.

You're about the third person to say that. So I must accept that as a white male I'm not allowed to take offence at any vicious racist characterisation that anyone cares to make about me. OK? Are you all happy now? And we can designate Bill Cosby as officially white so as to reduce any confusion anyone might have felt

"So unless you're actually a white male rapist douchebag"

"technically a work can fall into the public domain if the copyright isn't defended"
Completely untrue.
Copyright lasts for X ( I think 80 or 90 years in the US now) years after the author's death.

If you could imagine that I am actually a human being, and not a symbolic representative of a class of people, you might understand that I do not enjoy being casually categorised as a rapist.

What makes it offensive is that the "privilege" Sava is talking about is not getting a Porsche, it's being able to get away with rape and murder. That's a group I feel very unhappy about being included in.

In the same spirit, go fuck yourself.

I have no idea why he's obsessed with this issue. I don't know he's white, I assume he's male from the name. But if he wants to beat himself up, that's fine. Doesn't give him a licence to include me.

I don't accept blame or feel guilt for something I never did.

There is a huge difference between "copyright / patent / trademark". For copyright to be violated it really has to be very close.
The "confusion" argument applies for trademarks, not copyright.

Of course a show can't survive on "rabid fans" only. At most they are a few thousand, TV shows need millions in audiences.