
I was talking in general. I'm sure there are exceptions. I have some decent ones (Watchmen, for example). But the great majority are just impossible to take seriously as stories.
It seems even when the source is more nuanced, it gets stripped off when adapted, as you imply.

Non-English speaking is no defence — hard to find someone who doesn't understand the word "Stop". But earplugs would work for long enough.

So despite agreeing with the point I made, you still felt compelled to attack me.

I didn't say I didn't believe in "privilege".
But it's not EXCLUSIVELY male or white. And Cosby only proved that.
And there are plenty of privileged females for that matter.

Well, has there been any superhero show where these criticisms did not apply? Literal "comic book plotting" is like that, even more illogical and dumb than the average TV show, which is a pretty low bar.

Sava goes on and on in every review about "white male privilege", then in this segues to several paragraphs about Cosby. Actually Cosby's pathology is weirdly resonant with Kilgrave, yet Sava still can't resist saying it is WHITE privilege.

For Forbidden Planet, I wasn't talking about the shape of the ship, but the idea of the military exploration vessel, the crew, even the captain's character. And the story, even the captain having a romance with the scientist's daughter, is very Kirk.

Why is it preposterous?
There is hardly anything in Star Trek that was not "inspired" (copied wholesale) from other media.

Of course it does. CBS may own part of the copyright, but not the entire thing.
But they could buy it cheap since no else can.

The perception came from the dozens of other Trek fan films that have been made on those terms.

A million dollars???? For that role in that kind of SyFy monster movie of the week? Sorry, can't believe that.
And it wasn't the "finishes", but the size, the view that made his place so much nicer (and so more expensive) than Jerry's. But we can't prove anything either way.

Yeah, Dev has a wonderful flat in Manhattan, he can give it up on a whim and fly off to Italy. After he just said wasn't paid well for the "Sickening" film. What is he living off?
Maybe he was also doing ads but his work life, if any, was barely shown. Seinfeld had a tiny apartment and he was doing his stand up

You're talking Newspeak, not English. A language where words are redefined to support ideology. Just say "Men doubleplus ungood" and be done with it.

The word "masculinity" is "gender neutral"? You can say that with a straight face? Anyway, go ahead and rant all you like about this crap, if it makes you feel better to demonise men. But I won't participate.

Maybe you should just make up words completely rather than redefining them "in context".

Did you read all the definition you linked?
"1b : a common or overused theme or device : cliché - the usual horror movie tropes"

So "Reddit" is the "real world"?

The word "masculine" is exclusive to men. If it isn't applicable, don't use the word.

I've never heard of the "Mythopoetic Mens Movement". I had no idea that "toxic masculinity" was a phrase that meant anything other than the words themselves. I really have no interest in gender politics, and you might well say that's because I don't suffer from it , but regardless, I just think all the weight that