
You're talking about the real world, and that's all true enough. I was talking about the characters on the TV show, who include some hyper-aggressive ones with XX chromosomes who exhibit what I think it's valid to call "toxic aggression". The show does not at all demonstrate this as a "masculine" trait.

Basically the same situation as "It's a Good Life" a short story by Jerome Bixby, later made into a Twilight Zone episode. This 6-year-old kid was basically God. he could make anything happen just by thinking it. He didn't directly compel people to do his will, but if you didn't, you would suddenly disappear "into the

So, the pill won't work on women? Or does it make them more "masculine"? I don't see where the idea that this is related to gender comes from, other than Sava shoehorns it into his reviews at any opportunity..

How often have Jessica or Jeri or Trish told each other to "grow a pair" or some other reference to testicles? Many of the females in this show do exhibit toxic alpha aggressiveness. Jeri pushes everyone around. Trish dominates Simpson in every way in their relationship. And of course, Jessica beats up any and

A Reddit communitry has significance? To who? You? I never heard of it. Who cares about Reddit? Does it predate the use in the comic book?
It's yet another example of Sava's reaching for any metaphor he can to attack "toxic masculinity" / "white male privilege", etc.

I don't know what the actress looks like in real life, but the character is a woman desperately trying not to look her age.

"this is a huge issue for men" is not a statement about all men? There isn't any other way to read it, and it is entirely consistent with other statements by this reviewer.

"When it comes to consent, this is a huge issue for men, and
entitlement and privilege play a big part in that. We live in a
patriarchal society where men are in power, and the oppression of women
throughout history has given men an unjustified sense of superiority
that leads to the further oppression of women."

Simpson stopped the bodyguard who had Jessica at gunpoint and would have forced her to let Kilgrave go. And he "failed" in his aim of killing Kilgrave, only because he deferred to Jessica. More and more people get killed every day Kilgrave continues free, yet Simpson is called a "white knight" for trying to stop him

Her character is supposed to look like she's had a ton of bad plastic surgery. Jessica says as much.

He actually stated it: he doesn't want any buyer's remorse. Because he knows his influence only lasts a few hours. If he had just compelled the guy to sign it over, the next day he, or his wife, would be screaming for lawyers, even police. If Kilgrave told him to kill himself, even more complications.
But he could

Or 2: Advance technology to fusion energy and ban fossil fuels.
Or 2: Send all the Denialists to work camps in coastal Bangladesh for a few years.

Hilarious how the "Fort Rozz" Kryptonians and other alien bad guys spend all their time in "National City", while the rest of the world barely takes any notice. The Daily Planet meanwhile headline's Cat's email hack.

I don't read his other reviews, just this one, which goes off the deep end as far as shoehorning the reviewer's own subtext into the story.

Cisco's "How do you like the magnets, bitch?" a close second, channelling Jesse Pinkman.

If J'onn can impersonate Henshaw so well as to fool everyone who knows him, not to mention all the science geeks and agents tasked with hunting down aliens, how did the DEO even get close to him? Why go to a remote jungle? He could melt into any big city, change his identity every day. And in the last 10 years of

It's not bad, but watch "The Americans" for a much more intelligent and consistent spy drama.

Could have been referring to Charlie Hebdo.

All through his gassing video Quinn was blinking like crazy. I was sure he was trying to morse code and that's how they would find him.