
I was hoping after Saul was yelling at and grabbing her that Dar would pull him out and reveal they were good cop/bad copping her. But Dar really is a dummy, which as the review says, is not what he's been made out to be.

I just skip to the beginning of the credits, I think exactly 60 seconds. I did watch the previous episodes, and I don't want to be spoiled by hints the choices of scenes gives.

Yeah, what was she living on? Looks like a full-time mother, a nice suburban house. No husband. Who's picking up the tab ?

The hawks have died 206 times in the last 4000 years. So on average, they don't last past 18, if they get re-conceived immediately after dying. The actress playing Kendra is 25, so they already doing much better than that.

How did Malcolm know Savage was going after the Sceptre? Did Savage stop for a few drinks on the way at a supervillain dive bar and spill it to him? And if he did know that, why didn't he know where it was?

Because the writers made the zombies escape after more than year, exactly at the time Rick arrives.
Given even one day they could have used the earthmoving equipment at the depot nearby to reinforce the exit and then work out a way to burn or otherwise dispose of them safely.

I didn't even realise there was a post-credits scene till I read this. I turned off midway through the credits. So went back and just watched it.

They're all the same medium to me. I watch them all on the same TV screen. They're just different channels/networks.

Kara froze his arm off in the first meeting. It looked a lot easier to do than the super-dooper heat vision schtick, and more effective than just punching. So why not just freeze him completely solid the next time they fight?

I meant, what does Litvinov have to do with that?

So, what the hell is "The Litvinov Ruse"? Maxim Litvinov was a Russian diplomat, I looked him up, but can't work out what the "ruse" is.

Allison's story sounds good at first. But then you consider she's meeting him at an SVR safehouse, with a bunch of SVR agents. If Ivan was doubling to the CIA, that makes little sense.
I suppose his version is that he was pretending to double Allison as his cover for meeting her.

I did watch Dark Matter, enjoyed it, but I would trade it in a moment for a season of the Expanse. Soft SF is better than none, but The Expanse is the real deal.

Yes, and they could and did evacuate the airport, so there were not "1000 lives" at risk, unlike the train which only she could get to and stop.

They used to stab walkers through the fence when they were at the prison. It was just like pulling weeds.

The problem is, we've already seen the Avengers blowing stuff up. For me it's reached the point of diminishing returns. The only thing that makes them even slightly interesting is some of the Joss Whedon dialogue. But I could watch 128 episodes of Buffy again and get that and better stories; the effects are cheap but

The glasses let her do Christopher Reeve's signature eyegass push on the bridge.

How dumb is it that at three or more times Reactron attacks her,
then flies away while she just stands there watching him disappear. She can
fly, she has super vision, she doesn't need her gang to track him, once
she's spotted him she should never lose him.

And Morgan not giving a brain kill to the guy he strangled earlier was inexplicable, out of character from the man who "cleared" everyone he met and incinerated the bodies afterwards. It was obviously only so the writers could bring it back later.

Rea was in the UK series "Utopia", not spy series, but an insane world conspiracy.