
or why she can analyse anything, including tooth DNA, by herself, but has to go to her new flunky to analyse the cards.And he is also ridiculously polymathic — working on a half dozen completely different areas of technology at once.

Someone important to Oliver will die soon (the person in the grave in the flash forward) and the writers don't want us to say "Nanda Parbat, stat!".
After that, later the Pit can be drained and refilled.

I get distracted by the dorky helmet. Oliver didn't even want to wear a mask because he said it interfered with his peripheral vision. Diggle has about 50% of his cut by that stupid helmet, pretty crippling in the kind of fighting he's doing.. He has to take it off when they have a scene where we need to see him

This is a textbook "bottle episode". One with a very small cast shot in one interior location. Used to save budget that can be spent on more expansive stories later on.

"Nazi Meeks"? We don't know who he's spying for. He's probably based on Klaus Fuchs, who was was spying for the Soviets. But in the show, considering the levels of deception shown in this episode, he might think he's reporting to the Soviets and actually they're Nazis. Or even the Japanese?

What happened to the 347 million guns in the US?
How many live people are left? There must be at least 100 guns per person lying around.

The whole "wipe out working class housing to build a shiny high rise district for the rich" came from Daredevil. And also was Malcolm Merlyn's plan in S1 of Arrow. Waiting to see who does it in Flash, seems to be de rigueur for DC series.

It's TV. Beautiful women are standard. I was more surprised to see some with rather more ample figures, notably Merritt Wever, a fine comjc actor who was a nurse on Nurse Jackie. Hope she doesn't get killed off too quickly.

It's somewhat like Kwai Chang Caine in the 70s Kung Fu series. He would let people beat him up and only fought when he had no other choice, usually to protect others.

It's not like it's hard to get guns. It's America. Search two houses and odds are you'll find at least one. Makes no sense they wouldn't already have some. Taking down walkers hand to hand every day is going to end up with you dead.

Noticed the cigarettes were "Morley", the faux Marlboro that the X-Files "Cigarette Smoking Man" used to smoke.

Darkh reams out Machin for threatening the candidate's daughter, as over the line. Then he does exactly the same himself — even admits it. Pure doublethink.

From a blog by an historical adviser : http://blog.nuclearsecrecy…. — the Trinity test is the finale of the season. If it goes to a 3rd season maybe they'll be working on the H bomb. Teller was already working on that during the Manhattan Project. We don't seem to have an analogue for Teller on the show, so far.

Better to use some earthmoving vehicles and block the exit road with rocks.

I think it was Allison, the station chief. Doesn't care if Carrie gets killed or not, if Quinn blows the whistle or kills Saul instead, the aim is to make Saul the the scapegoat rather than her. Running an assassination black op in Germany is much worse than surveillance.

I bet it's Allison who made the kill order, expecting it to make a big mess whether Quinn does it or not, and get Carrie out of the picture, alive or dead, and Saul the scapegoat instead of her.

Thanks to Don Draper.

Say his prison husband was released a few months ago and he wants to set up house with him.

Barry caused a lot more deaths with his time travel. About 10 minutes in, we see several skyscrapers collapsing. Many thousands must have died due to the singularity. It was equivalent to nuke going off in the middle of the city.

Yes, you definitely weren't safe on an island. One of the stories in WWZ is about a submarine force tracking swarms of Zs on the ocean floor.