
So, did you watch the series yet? You’ve had a little time to mull it over.

I am embarrassed to say that I’ve said several of these phrases, most notably “I don’t see color” when of course I’ve always seen color. Duh. I’ve tried not to ‘hold it against” people but ffs, why on earth would I have held it against folks in the first place? Indoctrination, which at first I didn’t notice and then

Did you by any chance work at Adel's in Santa Rosa? I waited on Waites a few times there.

If this is a test case, consider it successful.

hey, Southpaw, it's October. Don't forget about the pomegranate trick. You're welcome :-D

Trolling was never an art form. More of a pastime for the creatively stifled. :-)

I loved her both in Dr. Horrible and Eureka, but acting talent isn't everything. She's obviously very intelligent, kind, fun-loving, and has a wide-open heart. I really admire her perfect storm of wonderful traits.

all pedantry aside, this is so fricking cool.

we'll put a goose barnacle with a barnacle goose and let them fight it out.

I'm with ya. Heinlein just doesn't make my socks roll up and down.