
Dear lord. It’s unbelievable to me that some Americans actually believe they’re the only ones with freedom of speech. Or any freedom. The propaganda must be working well.

I’m really sick and tired of Americans rudely demanding and expecting everyone to consider their context first and foremost, honestly. The quote is a very bad pick but it’s not because of how it sounds to Americans.

Yeah but very few look as good as she does. She convincingly looks 28 most of the time, while celebrities like Nicole Kidman or Jennifer Aniston for example merely look well-preserved. They’re gorgeous too but not in that glowy, super convincingly youthful way.

That film looked unrealistic because there’s no way someone this fantastically gorgeous could be a regular person. It was a constant distraction.

There’s a marble beach on Thassos, Greece, and when I was there in 2013, the marble pebbles were abundant, brilliantly white, cool and smooth under my feet and made the water brightly turquoise/white. I went again this year and almost all the marble was gone. There were people filling up their backpacks and bags with

The death penalty is a thing of the past. It’s incompatible with modern-day values.

Wow you’re a remarkable idiot. Your comparison is, firstly, Godwin law in the first paragraph which is laughable, and secondly, it doesn’t work. Because unlike your hypothetical Mel Gibson, I don’t blame the victim with my supposition. I imagine this particular fetish has something to do with men being cowardly pricks

Yup, it’s a setup for decades of guilt and conflicted feelings about natural bodily functions.

Why are you being intentionally obtuse? It actually specifically says they do not cover suicides, which means the preference to this phrasing is not for the money. If sales were what they were after, they wouldn’t even have this restrictive policy on when and how to report or whether to report it at all, let alone

Phrasing is not going to make the reality different.

But fratricide, patricide and regicide are crimes. Suicide is something different and it’s precisely that difference that requires different wording.

While I acknowledge this is great for women who genuinely need it (if it really does work), for others, in the kind of hetero sexual culture we live in, it’s just another reason for men to pressure them into sex.

That picture is heartbreaking. It’s a completely preventable tragedy, and a testament to how little foreign brown people’s lives cost.

I think you’re right about the correlation between poverty and conservatism, and I wonder about that. I don’t think it’s necessarily about tolerance and open-mindedness, but has perhaps more to do with access to education and information, and therefore critical skills which allow you to see a bigger picture. I do

I may be wrong but I think the greatest predictor for conservatism is wealth. Even if you fall into various marginalised groups, as long as you’ve got money and influence, they can shield you from a lot of the disadvantages that group faces. There are many conservative women, LGBT people and POC.

You’ll lose that bet. In fact I detest traditions in the area of the romantic and private most of all, because they cast me as an object and allow me no desires of my own. I don’t expect to be courted and dined and wined, I’d much rather approach men myself, and it’s worked fantastically for me so far.

Shut your eyes at a concert where you’re supposed to be watching the band? No, in closed off quarters, which a dense crowd counts as, it’s as good as forcing. And forcing someone to watch you having sex is making them a participant and that’s not cool.

10 Things I Hate About You is a teen romantic comedy in which the protagonist is a self-identified feminist who does not get punished for it or cured out of it in the end. It's absolutely fantastic.

Season 6 of Dexter.

Totally. I've personally been in situations where I've wanted to say yes and didn't dare because I thought it wasn't ok (because I wasn't in TRUE LOVE or some other arbitrary cultural requirement).