
My response at every bar I go to. Men’s bathrooms: 4 urinals one toilet. Girls bathroom: JUST ONE FUCKING TOILET. IT DOESNT HELP THAT 6 GIRLS GO IN AT ONCE AND START DOING COKE. gtfo and do your coke somewhere else not on my pee time.

It has been ONE DAY since she’s taken her gender transition public. Can we please not demonize her elderly mother, who’s clearly trying to be supportive? We don’t have to applaud her, but jesus, do you expect her to be perfectly versed on trans issues instantly?

As a Christian I usually don’t like the Devil to win but this time


WTF stop making so much sense—you're on Jezebel.

I think at this point the Derms should just start messing with the reps and make fake announcements like;

PETA can still burn in hell, though.

No worries about the snark! We both know that everybody on the internet is always wrong, right? ;)

Total agreement on Book vs. Movie. Jurassic Park was a better transition than most, but it still had a bit too much Hollywood in it.

As someone whose research is somewhat related to this type of argument, men and women’s brains do seem to be different and there is a increasing volume of research that suggests that men and women solve mental tasks in different ways (not better or worse just different) and so it is entirely possible that one type of

I’m against the death penalty but what a waste of food, money and oxygen keeping him alive for the next 40-50 years.

What vows of the majority of married people do hold? Did you tell your wife/husband at the ceremony "I'm just gonna fuck you for the rest of our lives"?

Maybe don’t outsource your boss fights this time.

Oh my gosh this guy speaks to my deepest feelings on the matter. "Why would you get married if you don't want to be sexually exclusive?" "I dunno, the IRS is weird, and parties are fun."

My brother was the result of an unplanned pregnancy. My mom was pretty upfront about it, but in a kind way. That still didn’t stop me as a kid from tormenting my brother over it.

His dick isn't missing. That's a phallusy,

I eagerly await the day we can advance the "days without a Fifty Shades post on Jezebel" counter past zero.

I remember when I was a kid, my father told me (I can't remember how it came up) that he, as a parent, was prepared to die or go to jail for my sister and me.